Chapter 1 Friendship

Start from the beginning

Emily, Derek, and Peneople all get into their cars while Spencer and I walk towards his. Once we get into his car I put on my seatbelt but turn to look at Spencer when I feel his eyes on me.

"Do not profile me" I said sternly. He knows it's a silent agreement that we do not profiler each other no matter what.

"I'm not. Just what was that about" He asks

"What thats was what about is I love your random facts Spence you know this"

"Yes but you only ask me to tell you facts when you need something to calm you down so spill it or I will not drive us to the bar"

"Ugh Spencer really"

"Yes really"

I roll my eyes at him and I see him going through everything that happened before I asked him to tell me random facts. In this moment I hated that Spencer has an eidetic memory. As I'm watching him go back and forth through everything I see a light bulb go off in his head.

"Is this about Emily" Spencer asks carefully

I don't say anything, I just nod.

"You know you can talk to me about this at anytime right. I'm here for you and I want to help you if you'll let me. I know you were told over and over again thats it's wrong but it isn't. And Emily clearly likes you. I think that if you told her you like her back and told her about everything else she could help you."

Tears start to form in my eyes.

"Spence this isn't something you can help with."

Spencer takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh. He's clearly unsure of what he's about to say. He looks away for a second and looks back. Spencer licks his lips before speaking.

"Actually I think it is."

I look at him confused

"I've never told anyone on the team this but I'm bisexual. I like guys and girls, although I do lean more towards girls"

My eyes widen, I never expected Spencer Reid to be bisexual, or even really into relationships or sex at all.

"Oh wow I d-didn't know that you were"

"Most people as I said before don't know that about me. Most people think I don't like relationships at all but thats not the truth. It's just not something I like to share with everyone."

"Thank you for sharing that Spence"

"Like I said before I'm here for you and I really do think I can help you. Even though I wan't raised the same way you were and I haven't been told it's a bad thing my whole life I still struggled with it when I was first figuring it out."

"I'll make sure to keep that in mind thank you again Spence"

"What are best friends for"

I unbuckle my seatbelt and give him a hug. Although Spencer has problems with germs he never seems to be worried about them with me.

"I love you Spence"

"I love you more"

He squeezes me before letting go. We both put our seatbelts on this time and Spencer turns on the radio. Unlucky for me Girl in Red comes on and it's no other than her most popular song, Girls. Spencer knows this song and he instantly tenses up and looks at me.

"oh i-i can change it if you want i know this isnt the best for right now"

"No it's okay"

Spencer pulls out of the parking lot and starts driving to the bar.

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