Part 18

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Della's POV

''Louie...'' I jumped out of my bed, and though my family tried to stop me, no one could. I rushed to Louie, and hugged him. Tears of happiness streaming down my face.

''Louie, I am so sorry! I am sorry for everything.''

''Hey, it's okay mom, really.'' He sounded very calm, which I didn't expect from a child who had been abducted.

''Do you have anything!? Did Lunaris do anything to you?!'' Right on that moment a doctor walked into the room.

''Yes, your son is in good condition, physically at least.'' I stared at him, and gave him more hugs and kisses.

''Mom I am fine really! Don't worry.'' He chuckled.

''That's my son! Being abducted by aliens, and he doesn't feel a thing. Which I of course expected!'' I was so proud of him.

''You have to lie down miss Duck, you were outside for too long.''

''Ahh a cold doesn't stop Della Duck!'' I yelled, but I started to feel faint.

''Yes, but I think fainting does, please lie down.'' I obeyed him, but I couldn't stop staring at Louie. Soon Donald and Launchpad came walking in with flowers.

''Launchpad, you're alright!'' I was relieved to know that he was alright.

''Oh yes, those guys immediately let me go after Penny told them that their leader was fake or something.''

The afternoon went on, me talking to Huey and Dewey, Scrooge, Donald and miss Beakley of course. After I talked with Huey and Dewey they went to their brothers side on the room, with Webby. Some time later, Lena and Violet also came to stop by. Louie seemed to be having a lot of fun.

Yes, your son is in good condition, physically at least

What did that doctor mean? He seems to be doing just fine. Well, whatever anyway, I have my son back.

Hehe, I'm the best mom ever.

There were some news reporters waiting outside our door to ask some questions, which almost took an hour! But I proudly told them about how my son was strong, and wasn't hurt at all. He was Louie Duck, son of Della Duck!''

Some time later, the doctor said that everyone had to leave, and could comeback in the morning. So we hugged everyone goodbye, and started to get ready for the night.

When everyone left, Louie seemed to be very quiet. Probably just tired. We lied down in bed, but I wasn't very tired yet. I turned around to face Louie.

''Psssstttt, Louie?'' I scream whispered. ''Are you still awake?''

''Ehh, yes mom.''

''Just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you came back.''

''Yes thanks.''

I stood up and walked over to his side of the room. ''Hey wanna see something cool?'' He turned to face me, confused. ''What?''

''Come on.'' He followed me to the window. ''You know, when Scrooge was talking about his money or something, I saw that we can climb on the roof.''

''But.. we can't do that! We aren't in such a condition to do that!''

''I'm just a little bit faint, and the doctor said that you are okay too! Come on lets go!'' I opened the window, and stepped on the roof. The view was amazing! I walked to the edge and sat down. Louie sat down next to me.

''Isn't the world amazing!''


''Just wanted to tell you how proud I am.''

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