Part 17

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Louie's POV

''Because I'll face it all with you.'' I remembered that song. Uncle Donald sang it all the time. Wait.. is that mom? And everybody else? Where was I? I just wanted to sleep, under a warm blanket with my family.

Did she say that we were in the middle of the sea?

''What a weird place..'' My vision was very blury, but I didn't feel the ice cold wind anymore. I think uncle Scrooge said something, and I was being picked up. I was finally with my mom, and she was going to safe me. I hugged her back, and started to warm up with her body heat.

''Can we go home, mom?''

Della's POV

Lunaris stood right in front of me, holding Louie like a baby. He just look straight at me, but broke eye contact when Louie hugged him.

''Can we go home, mom?'' He was shifting between being conscious and unconscious.

''Let him go Lunaris! Everyone knows about your plan!'' Penumbra said.

''I will not lose from some ducks! I am Lunaris, leader of the moon! And if I don't win, nobody wins!'' He was completely out of his mind.

''Give me my nephew back, now!'' Scrooge stepped in front of me. He put on his serious voice, and I knew that Scrooge was prepared to do anything for Louie. Lunaris started backing down.

''You've messed with my son Lunaris. And that's not a smart thing to do.'' I started to walk towards him. ''He hasn't done anything to you. Just leave the Earth alone.''

''You can't order me, and I won't give him back! This visit won't go to waste, if it means that I could bring damage to you!'' With that he ran away, further away from the land.

''No!'' The ice was already starting to crack! So we ran after him with all the energy we had left. But he was too fast, since we couldn't run on ice, however I wasn't ready to give up. I started running at full speed and I was slowly catching up. I knew that if I fell, it would be too much for the ice, still I ran.

I ran, if that would mean that I could hold Louie one more time. I was finally close enough to Lunaris, but I wasn't thinking straight, so I tackled him with all my anger, without thinking about the consequences. He let go of Louie, and I ran towards him.


''Yes, it's me dear.''


I heard splashing in the water and Lunaris struggling to hold on to the ice. He looked with pleading eyes.

''Della... please.''

''I.. I'' The ice underneath me was cracking as well, since I was also holding Louie. What was I supposed to do? Time was running out, and I made my decision.

''Hold on!'' I held out my hand for Lunaris to grab, but while he reached out his arm in the direction of my hand, his pleading eyes changed into pure evil. He reached for Louie, and before I knew it, Lunaris was trying to pull Louie into the water along with him.

''Louie...'' What I did next was against everything I believed in, but I had to protect my child. So I kicked Lunaris in the face, and jumped over the hole in the ice grabbing Louie. When I landed with Louie in my arms, I saw Lunaris for the last time, disappearing underneath the ice. 

I.. I. Did I just do that, but he wanted to hurt my Louie! He was lying in my arms, I had to get him out of here, before he was gone. And because of another reason, because there, underneath me, the ice started cracking. I put Louie on my back.

''What are we doing mom?'' He weakly said.

''We're going home, dear.''


No time to loose, I had to run. Come on Della, just run. Fear and lack of sleep for the last few days didn't help at all. But my youngest son on my back did. After a few minutes I saw my family searching for me.

''Della! Where have you been?'' Donald yelled.

''No time, we have to go. NOW!'' I was running past them, and heard the ice cracking right after me. I couldn't look behind me with Louie on my back, but I knew that my family was right behind me. And there it was. 


Almost, yet so far away. Everyone else started to catch up.

I.. I wasn't going to make it. I felt the cracking ice slowly catching up as well. Keep going Della!

''Mom, keep going, we're almost there!'' Huey yelled. And he was right! Just a few more meters in front of us.

Just 15 more running steps. I was counting down in my head.





''Te-'' CRASH!

The ice below me was too weak for my body weight, and before I knew it, I was struggling to keep above the water with Louie on my back.

''Some.. body... help..''


Then black.

I closed my eyes for a little bit, and opened it. I was on the beach? I closed them again, and opened them again, everyone was running like crazy and looked at me worried.


I closed my eyes, and when I opened them I was in an ambulance.

I closed them for the last time.

I woke up. Wait was I in the hospital?! Was that Donald his hat? Louie...

''Louie!'' I shot up, but my head was hurting like crazy! I now noticed that everyone was there.

Uncle Scrooge, Donald, miss Beakley, Launchpad, Webby, Huey and Dewey. They all looked at me, worried and relieved at the same time. Then Scrooge walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

''Thank god you're okay!'' I wasn't aware of what was happening, if I was being honest.

''You've been asleep for 2 days, Y'know?''

''But.. but-''

Webby pushed aside a curtain and there was Louie, staring straight back at me, with a grin on his face.

''Hi mom.''

It's been a while :0. I'm so sorry for that :(. But I finally posted :). I hope you guys enjoyed it. And don't forget to vote and comment if you guys liked this chapter :)

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