Mistletoe (Christmas special)

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I am soooooo sorry for the hiatus, thank so much for being so patient! I'll try to get more chapters out as soon as I can but for now, this is my updating speed :') I've really lost a lot of motivation for writing but I decided to make this just because I could! Love ya'll and hope you have a good day/evening/night! 💞 And I know it's not technically Christmas yet but eh, what the heck.

H/c = Hair colour
H/l = Hair length

You knocked on the door of the Owl House, praying for it to open as quickly as it could. Well for starters because it was actually freezing outside, being Christmas eve 'n all, but mostly because Hooty just won't shut the hell up. "My first word was 'hoot', my second word was 'hoot-hoot', my third word was-" Finally the door was opened. "Oh, (Y/n)! Come on in, it's freezing out there!" Luz said, moving to one side so you could get through the door. You shivered a little, "Thanks, Luz." You replied, walking in as she shut the door. The house was decorated beautifully, a tree in one corner, lit up with many different colours. A mistletoe was hanging above the couch, the leaves of it a bright, vibrant green. Everyone was wearing Christmas sweaters, which were mostly green and red, but some had a few other colours too. Everyone looked quite cozy inside, King sitting by a fire, which you assumed that Luz had created with her glyphs. Eda was napping on the couch, a dark blue blanket covering her. Luz entered through the doorway too, sitting herself door next to Amity who was reading a "Good Witch Azora" book. You smiled to yourself as you went and sat down the other side of Amity. "Hi, Amity!" You said cheerfully. She looked at you and greeted you with a warm smile. "Hey, (Y/n). How are you?" She asked. "I'm fine, cold, but overall fine." You replied. Amity's smile deepened as her cheeks faintly lit up.

Night had fallen across the sky, stars twinkling brightly, the moon shining even brighter. Everyone had gone up to their rooms and were getting ready to sleep. You did no different, changing into your pyjamas and tiredly climbing into bed. Falling asleep should be easy; given how sleepy you were after hanging out with your friends for multiple hours. 'I should fall asleep soon....' You thought, gently closing your eyes.

'I am not falling asleep any time soon.' You had been trying to sleep for over an hour now, and nothing. You felt like you were gonna die. You whimpered quietly. You had turned to thinking about logic, such as why natural eye colours are usually blue, green, brown, and black. But that only resulted in you thinking about blinking which added to your annoyance. So then you chose a different topic, like how long can a person go without water? 'Damnit now I'm thirsty..' You thought as you adjusted your position, groaning audibly. You finally convinced yourself to get up and go get a glass of water. You dragged yourself out of your sleeping bag and stood up. You tiptoed towards you door, grabbed the door nob and started to open it, it creaking loudly as it went, making you cringe. After it was open you continued your tiptoeing and headed to where you had previously been with your friends a few hours ago. You saw a figure in the darkness. 'That's weird...I'm pretty sure I'm the only one awake..' You wondered who it was, squinting your eyes. Your eyes soon started to adjust to the darkness and you were able to make out the figure. "Amity?" You asked quietly. She flinched a little bit. It looked like she was getting her book which she left on the couch. "Couldn't sleep?" You walked up to her. She sighed in relief. "Oh, it's just you. And yeah, I couldn't." She replied. "Why are you up at this time as well?"
"I went to get myself a glass of water. My guess is you wanted your book?" You asked looking to the book in her hands. "You got me." She smiled, heat dusting her cheeks. "Want me to sit and read with you? I don't have anything better to do anyway." You asked, Amity heading for the couch. "Uhh, okay.. only if you want to that is." She replied, sitting herself down. You smiled and headed for the spot that she was patting lightly. You lay down and leaned yourself against her shoulder, making her face turn red and her ears dust a lighter shade of it. You giggled at this.

Amity's P.O.V
It had been about thirty minutes since (Y/n) fell asleep on my shoulder. I was stiff at first but I soon relaxed and continued reading, snuggling my cheeks into their soft (h/c) hair. They were really cute when they slept. I soon decided that I'd had enough of reading and put my book down on the floor, careful not to disturb (Y/n). Luckily they remained sound asleep. I got back up into my original position and gently stroked circles on their back. I was quite tired so I thought that I should maybe try and sleep myself, so I leaned my head back onto the arms rests and closed my eyes. I thought I felt (Y/n) squirming a little so I opened my eyes, only to be met with the sight of the small, festive mistletoe that hung above us. I felt my face heat up a little bit as I turned my gaze to them. I felt their gentle, warm breath softly touch my skin. They were still fast asleep. I hesitated for a moment, before making my decision and leaning further over their sleeping figure. My lips met their soft (h/l) hair for a few seconds before parting as I fell back into my original position, a hot, sweaty mess. 'I can't believe I just did that..' I thought as I buried my face into my hands. At least (Y/n)'d never know unless I told them, which I most definitely will not.

Second Person P.O.V
You felt yourself wake up, though your eyes didn't move. You felt the warm, tingling sensation of sunlight press against your face through the windows, forcing your eyes to eventually flutter open. Who would've guessed the first thing that met your eyes when you woke was Amity, sleeping peacefully while you're head sat in her lap. You felt heat rising to your cheeks as you realised this position. "Awwwee!" You heard from behind you. Luz was standing behind you guys. 'Shi-' You started thinking before your thoughts were cut off by her walking over to you and Amity, "How long have you both been down here?" She asked. You felt Amity start to wake up, her face met with the same expression as yours when she realised what was going on. "Couple hours...." You replied, hesitation coating you voice. You could hear Luz making fangirly noises, while Amity remained quiet. "And look, both of you are under the mistletoe!" She pointed out, making you shift your gaze to above you. She was right. You blushed a deep red, looking back to Amity. She had the same shade of red blanketing her face. Your eyes met and your ears turned pink as well. Damn you too both started to look like you were dying. Suddenly you felt your head being pushed into Amity, (I like ya cut G-) and your lips lightly pressed against hers, before you pulled away quickly, looking behind you to see Luz with her fists held up to her face as she was squealing. "Luz! The fu-" You began. "Did you like it?" Amity asked from behind you. You turned to face her, "What?" You asked. "The-the...kiss... did you like it?" She repeated. You tuned pink at this question. "Oh, I-I, uhh, me? Hah...oh u-uhh.." You stuttered. "THEY MEAN YES!" Luz shouted from behind you. You nodded in agreement. Amity smiled, "Me too." She said, grabbing your cheek gently and pulling you towards her. She stopped when your face where almost touching, "So much so that I'd do it again." She said shyly, then pulled you closer as your lips touched. You kissed back. 'Glad you think so.' You thought.

I'm really sorry for the late update but I hope you guys enjoyed this! It was pretty rushed and in my opinion pretty bad so I apologise if you agree, but yeah! Cya guys next chapter! <3

[damn it's almost been a year since I updated this last- I am so sorry :')]

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