Little Miss Perfect

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hello there! so sorry for not updating for like a year- but ummmm summary of this chapter is that it's slightly based off Little Miss Perfect sooo I just named it that. warning, it's gonna be short- tho I'll try to get out a part two as soon as I can! also, TW for swearing! ALSO also, this chapter is gonna use she/her pronouns and refer to the reader as a girl to fit the theme of the song it's based off of. so sorry my guys and non-binary pals! ily, hope you enjoy! <3

Amity's P.O.V
I woke up to the sensation of sunlight gently caressing my face. It was a nice feeling, however I usually didn't get to enjoy if for long. I didn't even bother checking the time - simply getting myself out of bed, I throw on my school uniform and tie up my straight, green hair. Nothing out of the ordinary.. Opening my bedroom door, I was 'pleasantly' surprised by my older siblings.
"Heya, Mittens." Says Edric. I've always hated that nickname, and he knows it.
"Why in such a hurry?" Asks Emira, who probably already knows why.
"Because, unlike you two, I actually care about my education?" That was enough to shut them up, though I heard them snickering behind me as I walked down the stairs. I didn't bother saying goodbye to my parents, I doubt they'd even notice me if I didn't come to them with straight A's on every subject each day.

Shortly after leaving, I found myself in front of my school, Hexside. I walked right in since the doors were already open for students. I glided down the halls, looking for my locker. I soon found it and just about to unlock it, I hear:
"Um.. hey. I hate to bother you but, do you know where locker 69 is?"

Y/n's P.O.V
-30 minutes earlier-
I woke up with a start to the sound of the loud screeching my alarm clock made each morning. I really should've set fire to that thing years ago. I smashed my foot into that annoying little bastard and fell back asleep.. On the damn floor. Honestly this was my daily routine at this point. Nothing out of the ordinary, right?

Ten minutes later I suddenly jolted awake. "Well shit, I'm late." You thought. ..... "WAIT IM LATE??"
Well in that case, I shall in the most graceful way, flop gently out of my bed, and get up... nah just kidding. I crashed into the floor, and tripped over my.. well my everything. I dashed towards the uniform I had prepared for today last night, knocking over everything in my path in the process. I tried my best to put everything on correctly, but ended up putting it on backwards. I really should've practiced this. But at this point I really couldn't care less if I put it on upside down, as long as it was on and I was ready to go. Slamming open my bedroom door, which I was definitely going to get in trouble for later, I practically threw myself down then stairs. I'm pretty sure I skipped like ten in a row or some shit.
"SORRY MOM, G'BYE MOM, LOVE YOU!" And with that, you had slammed the front door right in your mother's face. God she was probably fuming right now, I can't imagine what she must be saying about me-
....  "no breakfast? but I prepared pancakes.." ;^;   -Your Mom

Soon enough, I was standing in front of my new school, Hexside. I wanted to go inside so badly, but running all the way here left me puffing for breath, and leaning on my knees. I could've just lied down on the floor and given up, but just then I heard bell ring.. or screech? It sounded oddly like my alarm clock.. Well whatever it was, it brought me to my senses. "DAMN IT IM STILL LATE!!" And with my remaining energy, I burst through the doors, still screaming "AH SHITTT IM LATE IM LATE IM LATE!! COMING THROUGH, PEOPLE-" I'm pretty sure I threw like five kids out a window... Probably exaggerating here, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Gaining back my composure, I started walking normally as if nothing happened. I was looking around, trying to find my locker. I walked past a green-haired girl, who looked like she knew what she was doing.
"Um.. hey. I hate to bother you but, do you know where locker 69 is?" I asked her.

Amity's P.O.V
At first, I rolled my eyes. I literally just watched this person knock five people to the ground in a hurry and laugh manically as if they just threw them out the window. But then I turned around and saw... the prettiest girl I had ever seen. She had (h/l) (h/c) hair, and beautiful (e/c) eyes. I felt my heart flutter at the sight of her. I tried my best to seem like I didn't care when I replied:
"Yes, I do. It's actually right behind you." She looked around, and when she looked back she had a huge smile on her face.
"Thank you so much! I'm so glad I've found a nice person here. Everyone else seems to hate me already." She said, looking slightly nervous on the last part.
"Judging by the way you crashed into everyone you've interacted with here, I wouldn't blame them." I said, truthfully.
"Wow, you really are straightforward, huh?" She replied, her smile slightly fading. But the thing that she did next shocked me. "I'm Y/n. What's your name?"

A/n: I'm really sorry this is so rushed and short! and also pretty shit-
reading through it I could tell it wasn't the best, but it still took me about an hour to make, and I don't feel like fixing it- [little miss depressed over here] /lh
I kind of just made this because I suddenly felt motivated to write something, I also wanted to give you an update- i also might end up deleting this later ehehe. I hope you liked it though!
— With love, and a painful amount of effort for such a short chapter, tragic. 💗

p l e a s e  c o m m e n t  i  n e e d  v a l i d a t i o n  /nf

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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