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"Here we go again...(Y/N) (L/N), You better not be daydreaming again!" Came the loud, and quite scary yell of the abominations teacher. The whole class giggled as you snapped out of your trancelike state.
"Shit.." You thought. "My apologies, won't happen again." You replied, nervously twiddling a strand of your (H/L/H/C) hair around your finger. Your teacher scoffed.
"It better not, M-Mx. Because I'm sending you to the Principal's office if you don't gain at least the attention span of a rat." At that you could feel the entire class's eyes all over you, snickering and whispering to each other.
"Like you're one to talk..." You said, unaware of the fact that you had said it out loud.

And with that, you found yourself sitting on a rather uncomfortable chair in the Principal's office.
"(Y/N) (L/N). Your visits have become quite frequent, have they not?" He said, turning to face you. You didn't reply. You had your head hanging down to your chest, your arms crossed, trying to hide the shame and embarrassment placed on your face as clear as day. "Hm. Take a seat please." You did as you were told. "Now then, let me ask you what has been causing these little issues with your education here at Hexside?" He asked.
"I haven't been paying attention.." You replied, reluctantly.
"Yes, correct. Now may I ask why?" You went silent. You couldn't tell anyone, not even the Principal of the school about the reason your grades were declining so quickly. I mean, who wouldn't make fun of you for having a crush on one of the most popular girls in school? Amity Blight. But then your parents words echoed in your mind:

"You stupid child, let me tell you that if I get one more note from the Principal, you will be punished severely!" Your father boomed in your face as you were trying to hold back tears.
"Agreed, we don't know what we'll do yet, but trust me that when we do you'll be in for it!" Your mother screamed. "Do we make ourselves clear?!"
"Yes, father..yes, mother." You replied, weak at the knees, tears making their way down your cheeks and dripping off your chin.
"Good! Now stop weeping and go to your room!"

It was one of the worst memories you owned. Your parents were kind and understanding when you were younger, but when you to got a little older they become more strict, and would yell all sorts of mentally destructive things at you.
"I-I uhhh" You started trembling as you spoke. "Don't get enough sleep! Y-yeah! That's it!" You lied. Bump sighed. "Don't lie to me, (Y/N)." He replied, your heart sinking to the bottom of your chest. You didn't respond. "Well then if you're not going to co-operate, I'll have to send yet another note to your parents informing them of your behaviour-" "Wait no please don't!" You yelled, taking him by surprise. "Please don't tell my parents about this!"
"Alright then, spill." He replied.
"I can't..." You were two sided about everything. You didn't want to reveal your your feelings for Amity, but you didn't want whatever punishment awaited you at home if you didn't. But after a while you decided what you were gonna do. How bad would a parent punish their own child? Sure, your parents were strict but I'm sure it would be better than telling the Principal the person you were a simp for. Besides, if you told him, the word would somehow get out and spread, soon making its way to Amity. You would get rejected, you were sure of it. You would never meet her standards anyway. It wouldn't be bad revealing a crush to someone you trusted, but to someone who had all the power over your education? Someone who could either give you the chance at a job that would earn a lot of money, or could have you live on the streets? I don't think so. So you stayed silent. Bump gave up on finding your reasonings and started to write the note that would earn you your severe little punishment.
"Give this to your parents at the end of school. And don't even think about tossing it instead, because at the end of the day I'll be calling them to see if they got it." He said, pointing to his phone; a raven black bird, laying motionless on the desk you and him sat at. You took the note from him and started to stand up to leave. "Hold on just a second (Y/n)." Bump said, opening a draw and grabbing a stack of paper. "I need you to write some lines for me." You groaned lightly. "What do you want me to write?" You asked unenthusiastically.
" 'I must pay attention in class'. Best handwriting please." He replied, sliding the paper over to you and handing you a pen.
"How many lines?" You asked, picking up the paper and pen.
"I'd many as it takes for the message to really..sink in." He replied. You didn't say anything and just picked up the note, paper and pen, and headed for the door whilst mumbling something that wasn't quite audible. You had been excused from class to write your lines so you went and found a quiet spot on the empty seats of the school's Grudgby field and started on your lines.

                                                                 ~||4 hours later||~

God, how many pieces of paper did Bump give you?! You had lost track by this point. Your hand was sore from writing so much and you had a small headache. You were extremely tired as well. Even lessons were better than this. You had gotten to about your 150th 'I must pay attention in class' when you decided to have a break. You held your own hand, it almost felt broken.
"You okay?" The familiar sound of Amity's voice asked as she walked up to you. Your heart sped up and it kind of looked like you were having a heart attack.
"I-I of course! Why wouldn't I be? I mean you're here so I can't really feel anything but okay, wait I mean y-yeah I'm fine!" You had messed up already. Your face looked so red that you looked like a tomato at this point.
"Uhh, okay?" She replied to your peculiar statement, sitting down next to you. She peered over you and looked at all the lines you had written and had to write. "Wow, how many lines have you done?" She asked.
"Too many to count." You replied, thinking about how the sentence 'I must pay attention in class' now sounded like an alien language due to how many times you had written it.
"Need a hand?" She asked.
"Oh, it's alright. Besides I know you don't really like me that much, you don't have to hang out with me if you don't want to. Even if you did like me, it would ruin your reputation to even be talking to a little "nOt LiKe ThE oThErS" person like me.." You replied, holding a smile even though you weren't happy.
"What? Who made you think like that?" She seemed shocked about what you thought about yourself. 'My parents' You wanted to say.
"Oh, uhh, n-no-one." You replied, looking away from her.
"I don't hate you, I like you! I-I mean, uhh you're kind and stuff.." She said, turning a bright pink.
"Oh, th-thanks.." You replied, grabbing your stack of paper and starting to write your lines again, hiding behind the paper. Without warning she grabbed all of it.
"Here, let me help. You've overworked yourself enough already, here pass me the pen and I'll try to copy your handwriting as best as I can. You just rest for a bit." She said in a soft, kind voice. You blushed a deep red.
"You don't have to really it's okay-" You started before being cut off.
"I insist." She cut you off as she started to analyse your handwriting.
"Y-Yeah, sure, if you really want to!" You replied, shakily passing her your pen. She chuckled lightly.
"I do." She started to write your lines down in neat, perfect handwriting that quite resembled yours.
"It's not like Amity to do this...this is kind of like cheating. Is she cheating just for me? No, she's just trying to be kind, I'm probably overthinking things." You thought, your heartbeat speeding up once again.

It had gotten later than you and Amity had thought, it was almost time for the students to go home. You and Amity had been talking about all sorts of things, opening up about stuff you had never told anyone before, and just making each other laugh. What you had said to Principal Bump wasn't entirely false; you didn't get enough sleep. You were pretty much always tired from waking up around two am and going to sleep around twelve. You had somehow managed to fall asleep on Amity's lap, your head resting gently on it and your legs curled up on the seats. Amity had finished most of your lines for you and was now gently stroking your beautiful (H/C) hair.
"How could one person be so cute.." She said quietly. She suddenly heard the end of school bell screech from inside the school. But she didn't move. She didn't want to. No, she stayed right were she was, holding your hand as you slept. For once she didn't care that she would probably get in trouble for this. She was just happy to get this moment with you, right here, right now. "I like you, (Y/n)." She said softly. "I like you more than you think."

A/n: sorry if this is kinda bad, it's pretty rushed and I was tired and busy in the making of this sooo-

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