Leaving him

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He ran after her into the living-area, still soaking wet from water.

“What do you mean, 'you have to leave', Steph?!”, he asked worryingly and grabbed his bathrobe.

She didn't answer him, went into the bedroom and got dressed.

“Steph?!”, he asked again and watched her grabbing her clothes to throw them into her suitcase.

She kept quiet and it freaked him out. He turned her around and shook her, looking at her desperately.

“Steph, talk to me! What is wrong with you? Where are you going?!”

Tears were running down her cheeks and she couldn't stop sobbing.

“Stephanie... Please.”, he begged.

“I'm leaving you, Lindsey.”, she said firmly, freeing herself from his embrace and continued packing her things.

“You're doing what? But why?”, he was completely shocked.

“Because I have to.”

“When will I see you again..?”

She didn't answer him and tried to get to the door as he grabbed her hand.

“You owe me an explanation, Stevie! What the fuck is going on?! Why are you leaving? Are you breaking up with me?!”

Once again she tried to get away from him but he didn't let her go.

“I am leaving you because I can't give you what you want!”, she screamed suddenly.

“What are you talking about?! I want you!”, he said. He had no idea what was going on with her.

“You want kids! That's what you want and I can't give you that, Lindsey!”

“How on earth...?!”, he wondered.

“Let me go..”, she said, tears still running down her cheeks.

“Steph, don't. I need you..”, he begged and now he had started crying, as well.

This was real - she was leaving him!

“Linds... I saw you with those children at the restaurant. I saw it in your eyes. You shouldn't give up on the pleasure of having children because you love a woman who is too old to give birth to them!”

He looked at her. His whole body was in pain by her words. He couldn't believe it. It was true he would have loved to have kids – but there was only one woman on earth with whome he had wanted to have them and that woman stood in front of him, right now, and was leaving him.

“Steph, please. Don't do this! Don't leave me!”

“I love you, Lindsey. I love you so much..”, she said, her voice shaking by her words as she kissed him hard.

“But I have to go! You still got time! Find yourself a nice woman who is young enough to give you a family! I can't.... even though I wish I could.”, she said sadly. She then grabbed her suitcase and ran out of their suite.

“Steph!”, he screamed as he saw her running down the corridor.

Quickly, he got in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and ran after her into the huge hallway of the hotel.

It was in the middle of the night and they were alone.

Outside parked a black car, a driver waiting for Stevie. So, she had planned all of this, he thought to himself.

“Stevie!! Stevie! Stop it! That's bullshit! I love you... Don't leave me!”

She looked back at him as he stood there in the hallway, barefooted, his hair still wet, crying for her to stay but she knew it was the right decision to make.

“Goodbye, Linds..”, she sobbed, got into the car and watched him breaking down on the ground as the car moved off to the airport.

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