At the coffee shop

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The following weeks went by quickly and Stevie had already received numerous calls from her agency and Karen. Her record label was interested in releasing a greatest hits box set of her work. As much as she loved the idea of it, she didn't want to leave her new-born family, now. Especially, the thought of promoting the box set by travelling through the US frightened her. She knew how hard it had always been for Lindsey to see that she was much more successful when it came to their solo work.

She hadn't talked about it with him, yet. And she certainly had no idea how to explain to him that she would have to leave in the beginning of the next year. Photoshoots, interviews, appearances in talk shows and live performances would follow.

She still got some time, though. It was September, now, and she wouldn't need to leave before January to February next year.

She didn't know if Lindsey would like to stay here with Sara or travel with her or perhaps he would like to spend the time to work on some of his stuff..

She sighed heavily. They needed to talk soon.

Stevie had turned 50 a few months ago, Sara was now 15 and Lindsey was going to be 49 in October. Oh, how she hated to be older than him.

Turning 50 hadn't been fun to her. 50! The number had hit her hard. Now, she was officially out of her 40s and to her that meant she was old.

Lindsey had assured her over and over again that she was crazy, that she was beautiful and lovely and that he loved her. And even though she knew, he meant what he said by heart, she still didn't like it, at all.

It was a beautiful morning when Lindsey and Stevie were walking the dog. Stevie had woken up quite early that day, which was very unusal, and wanted to spend the time doing something realxing. So, they had ended up in the middle of Phoenix, handholding like teenagers and Shadow pacing in front of them.

“I'd like a coffee, Linds.”, she said suddenly.

“Sure, there's a coffee shop around the corner. We can get some coffee there.”

They arrived and Lindsey first got a bowl of water for Shadow. Stevie was waiting outside, dogs weren't allowed in the shop.

Lindsey got back in to order the coffee. He stood at the counter and waited as suddenly someone touched his shoulder. He was assuming it was Stevie and turned laughing around saying: “You can't even make it without me for two min.....!” He stopped, looking petrified into the face of a woman. A woman he knew. A woman who was not Stevie.

“Acutally, I made it five months without you, Lindsey!”

“Kristen...”, he mumbled and looked at her.

“Wow, you remember my name!”, she said sarcastically, “Honestly, I thought you died a tragic death.”

“I'm sorry I never called...”

“You didn't.”

“Look, Kristen.. I'm sorry for what happened..”

“Stop it, Lindsey! I don't wanna hear your excuses!”

“I know I hurt you...”

“No, Lindsey. You didn't hurt me. You humiliated me!”

“Kristen, I...”

“Just don't!”

She was angry. But he could also sense hurt in her eyes. She had liked him a lot. Lindsey opened his mouth, wanting to say something, anything that would make sense, but he couldn't find the words, so he closed his mouth again.

Suddenly the doorbell of the shop rang. Lindsey looked to the door and there stood Stevie.

Could this get any more uncomfortable?!

Stevie made her way to Lindsey, put an arm around him and looked at Kristen quizzically.

“So, that's why it took you so long to come back outside”, she laughed and rubbed his back.

Kristen looked at Lindsey in shock, her face just dropped. Lindsey kept his eyes to the floor.

“What's wrong? Did I interrupt you? Don't you want to introduce me, Linds?”

Lindsey felt his heart sinking, his stomach clenching and his heartbeat pounding like crazy when he finally looked up and said: “Steph, this is Kristen. Kristen this is Stevie.”

Stevie felt a wave of insecurity washing over her as she watched the young woman closely. Kristen was beautiful. She was thin, she was tall, she had a pretty face, blonde, long hair – in fact, she looked just like a younger version of Stevie, despite being tall and her eyes being blue.

She felt Kristen's eyes on her, as well. She could see that the young woman was asking herself, if Lindsey had told her about what had happened between them. Lindsey's fingers found hers and she quickly held on to them. She had had no idea that Kristen was that young! It hurt.

She took a deep breath. She knew for once in her life she had to act like an adult and not like a little, jealous girl.

“Hi Kristen! It's nice to finally meet you.”

Kristen looked at Stevie's hand, she hesitated to shake it but finally did.

“Hi.”, she said briefly, then her eyes wandered back to Lindsey, “So, she finally took you back!”

It wasn't a question.

Gosh, she loves him, Stevie thought to herself as she saw the pain in Kristen's eyes.

“Kristen, look...”, Lindsey started but Stevie interrupted him, it was her turn, now.

“Kristen, I know that you are hurt. Lindsey told me what happened. And I'm honestly sorry. I mean it. I'm really sorry.. I'm so sorry that you got hurt because of what happened between Lindsey and I. But I also have to thank you.”

The young woman looked at her totally confused about what was going to come next.

“I thank you for taking care of him, Kristen. I hurt Lindsey a lot and you were there and looked after him. I cannot tell you how grateful I am that he didn't have to go through all of this by himself.”

Lindsey couldn't believe what was going on in front of him. Stevie acted like a completely different person. He had expected anything, ANYTHING, but that.

Kristen was perplexed. She swallowed, then she nodded slowly, tears were forming in her eyes.

Stevie let go of Lindsey's hand and hugged Kristen.

“I'm so sorry...”, Stevie mumbled again and rubbed Kristen's back, “I know, it won't help you but Lindsey and I have a talent for making other people miserable..”

Kristen let it go. She hadn't planned to act so fragile but the tears just didn't stop running. She had fallen in love with Lindsey but she had never been able to reach his heart. It belonged to the woman that was trying to soothe her.

“Wanna sit down?”, Stevie asked carefully and pointed at a table in one silent corner of the room. Kristen nodded and they sat down. Stevie held on to her for some more time, absently rubbing her back, listening to her sobbs. She looked up at Lindsey who was standing uncomfortably in front of them. He had no idea what to say or what to do. This situation was beyond his capabilities.

After awhile, Kristen stopped crying and looked at Stevie.

“I understand now, why he chose you. You are a wonderful person.”, she said, whipping her tears away with the palm of her hand, then her eyes met Lindsey's, “Take care of her, Lindsey!”

Kristen stood up, grabbed her bag and walked out of the coffee shop, not looking back at them once.

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