Serious Talk

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Two hours later, Sara said goodbye and Lindsey and Stevie made their way back to the studio. They were already late but eating out had been wonderful.

Stevie had been sitting there, watching Lindsey and her daughter talking, laughing and teasing each other. She couldn't believe how well the two of them got along. She had remained silent most of the time, only talking if she had to. It wasn't that she was angry or felt out of place, she just couldn't take her eyes from them, seeing them having so much fun together.
"Why are you staring at me?", Lindsey interrupted her thoughts as they drove back to the studio.

"Nothing", she smiled softly and looked away.

He raised an eyebrow and looked at her sceptically, "What is it, Stevie?"

"It's just.. You did so well with Sara.."

"You're surprised?"

"No... yes."


"I just never pictured you with her. I mean, I never pictured myself with you and Sara at a restaurant, that's all... I never thought, we'd ever do that!"

He laughed, "Me neither."

"She likes you.", she said silently, watching him closely. 

He smiled, "How do you know?"

"Mothers know!", she explained wisely.

The remaining days of rehearsels went by quickly and Stevie's and Lindsey's bond grew stronger each day since they had had lunch with Sara.

Stevie didn't know why but seeing him with her daughter had changed a lot about the way she saw him. He had changed - a lot – she could see it now clearly.

He was so gentle and handsome sometimes, that she asked herself what had happened to the man she once used to know. The man who would throw a tantrum every time something went slightly wrong.

Not once, in six weeks of working together, he had freaked out. Instead, he would just talk things out and keep on working at them. It was unbelievable.


Two days were left until the opening show in Hartford, CT, and they took a break from rehearsels to be strong and energetic at the show.
Stevie was packing as Sara entered the room. She watched her mother folding capes and sat down next to her on the floor.

"Are you nervous?", she asked Stevie and watched her closely.

"Well, it's been a long time since we've been on the road together – I mean, the original five. So.."

"That's not what I mean!"

"Then, what do you mean?", Stevie looked up quizzically.

"Being out there, with him.."


"Yeah.. Can you handle it?"

"I have to, Sara. But I think.. I know... Lindsey and I are in a good place.", she said finally.

"He's a great guy!"

"You really like him, don't you?"

"I do.. but.."

"What? What is it?", Stevie asked, watching her daughter closely.

"I don't know, Mom.. It's.. I don't know how to explain it. He's got something, I just.."

"I know..."

"I feel kinda drawn to him. It's something about him I cannot explain. When I met him I just felt some kind of a connection. I've never felt that way before."

"What do you mean?", Stevie demanded impatiently.

"I really don't know. I just like him. I liked him the minute I saw him."

"Please tell me, you're not in love.."

"NOOOOO! Mom, are you serious? That's NOT what I meant!"

"Oh okay, I'm relieved to hear that.", Stevie laughed.

"How can you come up with that?!", Sara looked at her mother, still quite shocked about her question.

"What you said.. About the way you feel.. - it just reminded me of the way I felt when I met him 35 years ago..", Stevie whispered finally.


"Yeah... But that was a long time ago, Sara!"

Stevie stood up and smiled sadly. The conversation was over, Sara knew it instantly.

"Have you heard from Barbara?"

"Grandma is on her way. She'll be here soon, she said."

"Okay. And you're really okay with staying here with your grandma when I'm on the road till the end of November?"

"Yes, Mom. We talked about it. I'm fine. It's only two and a half months."

"Sure? It's just the first time I won't have you by my side when I'm on tour.", Stevie sighed.

"I think you're more concerned about yourself being alone than me being here", Sara laughed, "Mom, I'll come and visit you every weekend, I promise!"

"You promise?"

"I promise!"

Sara took her mother into her arms and held onto her for a few minutes. Stevie tightened the hug and tried hard not to cry. She knew she had to let go of her, that Sara wasn't a little girl anymore. But it was hard to accept.

"I love you, Mom!"

"I love you, too, Sara. Soooooooo much!", Stevie said with tears in her eyes.

"Oh, don't you dare cry!", Sara replied and looked at her mother, tearing up, as well.

They both laughed with tears in their eyes and hugged once more.


September, the 16th , came. One more night until the opening show the next day.

Stevie had said goodbye to her daughter and mother and was now on her way to the airport, still in tears of being apart from her daughter for so long.

Oh, stop being so fucking emotional, she thought to herself. You'll see her again in a few days!

As usual, she was the last one to arrive at the airport and when she got on the plane, everybody was applauding sarcastically.

"Wow, you actually made it!", Mick shouted at her, "We thought we'd lost you!"

"Oh, fuck you, Mick!", Lindsey said protectively and smiled at Stevie.

"I'm glad you made it!", he mouthed to her.

She smiled back at him, winked once and then sat down next to Christine.

This was going to be a long flight...

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