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In this story we aren't in a pandemic and everything's fine. Hope y'all stay safe xx
To be honest I really exactly know how I left this story but this just came up in my mind and I thought why not write it. It can make no sense at all but I hope you'll enjoy it.

It's been 9 months since that last phone call since I last heard from him. I was preparing for my last enigma show after that I would have a break for a few month. Planning to go to Italy all on my own just enjoying the culture.

I've moved on I really did wel actually not but I pretended the ache in my heart wasn't there. Still not knowing what happened and why he suddenly left I chose to accept it.

"You okay honey?" Sarah said as she was applying my makeup. "Yeah just tired" "don't get me wrong I really love these shows but I'm glad I'm going on a little vacation" "yeah you deserve it" "especially with everything that's going on" I sighed Sarah definitely knew what something was wrong even tough I didn't tell her precisely what happened just that it didn't work out between me and Bradley. I didn't want her to think I'm some pathetic girl when I tell her te truth. How he just disappeared and never came back. That I was destined to be alone.

"Babe you're up in 2 minutes" Bobby said. "Thanks Bob I'm coming" I looked one list time in the mirror and was ready to perform. When I perform I feel like I'm on the top of the world. The loud music the rush in my body the people screaming and cheering. I am happy and nothing else matters anymore.

2 weeks after the show
While watching tv I felt empty. I've just put Lea into bed and now I'm alone nothing left just alone. I'm exhausted.

With some struggle I managed to get of the couch I had to wash the dishes couldn't let the darkness in me affect little Lea my precious baby. I do everything for her. I was scared shitless when Irina announced she wanted full custody and was going to fight for it. Luckily I won well luckily Lea lost her mother. After she lost Irina went to Paris and we never heard from her again. I hope she will come to her senses and reach out to us for Lea although I'm not on good terms with her Lea deserves a mother.

Just as I finished with the dishes my screen lit up. One notification form YouTube. Lady gaga enigma fall from different angles

My eyes immediately shot open. Stef. I know I shouldn't watch it shouldn't put myself in that dark place again where I know I fucked up. I lost her and it was completely my fault my own idiocy. My fears getting in the way.

My brain said no but my heart rules. I always was a listen to your heart instead of your brain type of guy. As I clicked the video I saw Stef in her enigma outfit interacting with a fan. A smile formed on my face. I love to see her perform she seems so happy so fearless. I was so in trance it took me a while to register what just happened in the video. I played it again and this time I could clearly see what happened. How she fell of the stage and the guy fell on top of her. I heard the screams I saw Peter running towards her.
The show was immediately stopped after. How did I not know about this? I went on the internet and looked up what happened after the fall. Apparently Stefani hit her head on the stage and was badly injured. I couldn't believe it my whole body was shaking and sweat formed on my forehead. How was she? Is she okay?.

I called her. I know she didn't own me anything but I hoped she would pick up. She didn't. I called again. Nothing. Again but still no answer. I called Natali my last hope. The picked up on the third ring.
"Hi this is Bradley"
"Bradley hi"

There was an akward silence I didn't know what to say.
"How are you?"
"Bradley let's get straight to the point what do you want"
"Sorry uh how's Stef doing? I just saw what happened at enigma but she doesn't pick up when I call her"
"Brad you are aware you haven't reached out to her in months a lot has happened since"
"I know I just really need to speak to her could you tell her that"
"She's in Italy after the fall she recovered at home but after a few days she went to Italy"
"Oh, well thanks for picking up bye Nat"

I hung up with devastation I know it shouldn't concern me I was the one who abandoned her it was all my fault but I really had to see her. I wanted to know I she was okay.

Just as I was about to go to bed I received a message
It's from Natali
This is the address don't fuck this up

She sent me the location of the hotel Stef was staying in. I knew there was only one thing to do. I was going to Italy.

Sorry if there are a lot of mistakes English isn't my first language and I didn't re read this chapter to check for mistakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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