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Today is the screentest. Bradley said no make up but I just can't do the scene without a little bit of makeup. Being the amazing and beautiful person she was she still has her insecurities she put some foundation and mascara on to hide her tiredness. When I walked downstairs I saw him. Someone I could recognize from miles away. "Hey" Bradley put me in a tight hug. Then he stared at her intensely. Stefani noticed and suddenly felt nervous. "Is there something wrong?" Am I not looking good enough I thought. "Yes your face" "Oh" slightly embarrassed now I looked to the ground unsure what I would say next. "Oh no not like that. Your face is incredible it's just what's on it." I looked at him. "I hoped you wouldn't notice it's to hide my tiredness." "Stef I want the real you if you're comfortable I would like to take off your make up you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." Still being unsure I let him take away my make up, I trusted him. "Okay" He took a make up wipe and took the make up of my face. "Perfect now let's start."

A few hours later

"That was incredible stef you're amazing I'm sure they will approve." "Thanks B that means a lot to me." "Mmh B." he chuckled "I like it it's a nice nickname." "Can we just take another look at it I want to make sure it's perfect." "Stef it's already amazing but sure we can watch it again."


Those times seemed like ages ago. The last time I saw Bradley was precisely 9 months 2 weeks and 1 day ago. I mis those times. I really miss him a lot. Lately I've been feeling very lonely, of course I have the haus of gaga and family but that's just different. I looked at the stars thinking back of those times where everything was just so easy.

Bradley put Lea in her crib and went outside. He loved Lea but still missed Stefani like crazy. He looked at the stars and rememberd the day of the screen test.


After watching it for the fourtiest time she was satisfied with the result. "See I told you it's beautiful you're perfect Stef." She looked down "Thank you." He was still amazed how someone so perfect could be so humble and shy. "The next few months I will be working with my vocal coaches and you will be training with acting coaches then we can start filming." "Sounds perfect really thank you again for this opportunity."

The door slammed. "Taylor is home I think." She stood up immediately and walked to the front door." There he was her fiance I don't know what she was doing with this piece of shit. He was obviously drunk and couldn't say a word. "Come on babe let's get you to bed." Stefani struggled to help him and eventually lay him down on the couch. He was knocked out immediately. "I think you should go." She smiled a little embarrassed. "As you can see I have to take care of him." I really didn't want to leave her but also didn't want to I intrude on her privacy. "Okay if you need anything call me." "I will thanks Bradley I mean it." I smiled and walked out the door not knowing something terrible would happen next.

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