.♦. Emotions .♦.

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^Mason as a Disney character

👑 Mason's POV 👑

"Mason" My father stopped me at the front door "We need to talk "

"Can we do this later? My friends are waiting for me" I said.

"You call these greedy idiots your friends? They're only 'your friends' because of your money" My father said shaking his head before signaling me to follow him.

"Anyway that's not what I wanted to tell you " He said ,taking a seat next to my mother " Me and your mother are going on a business trip tomorrow and you have to watch over your siblings ".

" But dad I already informed you that I'm going camping tomorrow!" I exclaimed.

"Mason please do this for me" My mother said before standing up and taking my face between her hands " We're sorry for throwing this responsibility on you but you're the oldest and your siblings need you".

"We wouldn't have left if it wasn't important Mason, but I already told you about the threats I received and I have to deal with them urgently" My father explained.

"Can I depend on you to look after them and make sure they're okay? " My mom asked with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Okay mom" I said then nodded

"I love you Mase" My mom said before placing a kiss on my cheek.

Little did I know that this was the last kiss ever from her.

I opened my eyes and was met by the sight of my ceiling. I looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall to see that it was six in the morning.

I got off my bed and hopped into the shower, letting the warm water do it's magic. I hadn't had a dream about my parents since a while now. God knows how much I miss them, how much I miss hearing their voice, how much I miss being carefree like I was before their death.

I got out of the shower and headed to my walk-in closet. As I was fixing my tie my phone started ringing and the name of one of my men appeared on the screen.

"che cosa?" I snapped using the 'boss' tone. (What?).

"Abbiamo trovato l'uomo che ti stava rubando" (We found the man the was stealing from you).

"Dov'è lui adesso?" (Where is he now?).

"È nel magazzino principale" (He's in the main warehouse).

"Ci sarò tra venti minuti" (I'll be there in twenty minutes).

"si Capo" (Yes boss).

I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen to be greeted by one of the maids.

"Everyone is already in the living room ,sir" She informed me to which I nodded.

"Mason you're finally here,come on let's eat" Sophia said.

"I can't, I have some stuff to deal with " I said to which she frowned.

"Do you want me or Brent to come with you?" Luke asked.

"No it's nothing to worry about" I said before adding " I'll see you in the office later ".

Luke nodded at me before they all said goodbye.

Yesterday I thinked about the situation with Eliza and I decided to not get involved with her. I'm the leader of the strongest mafia and this will only get her into trouble and will distract me.

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