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(Alvin POV)
I just found out that Levi felt the same about me... I told him I didn't return his feelings at the restaurant because I was afraid... I'm so stupid. I'm going to make him jealous then.
I uploaded a photo of me and Kokichi Oma to my Instagram hoping that Levi would see it. And I waited.

A while later I checked Levi's Instagram.  He uploaded a photo of him at the bar. He looked so miserable I was sure it was the doing of my photo. I stood up and decided to drive to the bar he was at.

I got to the bar and spotted him. Levi looked nervous. I looked closer and there was a boy harassing him, it was Ed Sheeran. He kept asking Levi if he could hold his drink. I got mad and yelled,
"Wenis man, stop right there!"

The hideous ginger looked up at me and walked over, Levi realized who I was and ran up to me. But he couldn't make it, the ginger got to me first. Then he started singing his eardrum bursting song, Perfect. I screamed.

Levi x AlvinWhere stories live. Discover now