Chapter Twenty Three

Comincia dall'inizio

"He did, did he?" Remus said from his spot on the sofa where he was reading a book. He had another migraine, but those usually came at this time of the month...

"I'm gettin' tired of Uno," Draco mumbled. Harry shrugged in agreement. They had been playing Uno for almost an hour, and even though it was quite fun, it did get a bit boring after a while.

"Hmm..." Harry thought for a moment. "I... I have a train set... We could play with it in my room!"

"You have a t'ain set!?"


"That's awesome!"

"Let's go!"

The two quickly cleaned up the cards, put them away, and started to run to Harry's room.

"Harry!" Remus said before they got to the hallway, cringing at how loud his voice was.


"Just make sure you only take out one toy at a time alright?"


They both sat on the floor and began to set up the tracks all over the floor, going under the desk. 

"Can I ask a question?" Draco asked. Harry nodded, and continued putting pieces together. "Why'e you with Uncle Sev now?"

"Oh... uh... I was with mean people befo'e... So Daddy took me 'way from them."

"Oh. Well... Since he's my godfathe', does that mean you' my godb'other?"

"Huh... Uh... I dunno, maybe?"

"Wouldn' that be kinda neat!"


"We got the tracks done!" Draco exclaimed. "Under the bed an' the chair!"

"Put the t'ain on!!" Harry said. He set Lily in his lap to watch the train. "Wait!" he ran into the hallway. "Pappy! Come look at what me and Dray did!! C'mon, c'mon!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" he heard from the sitting room. Soon Remus was in the hall, and Harry took his hand and dragged him into his room. They both sat on the floor.

"Ready?" Draco asked.

"Yeah!" Harry responded with joy.

The blond child turned it on, causing the train to move along the tracks.

"We got it under the bed and the desk this time, Pappy!!"

"Good job, boys!" Remus said. 

"Dray, c'mere and do this!" Carefully, Harry stepped over the train tracks and sat in the middle of it. Draco copied. The two spun around, still sitting, making sure they were always watching the train, until they collapsed into a fit of giggle.

Remus shut off the train once he heard the fire go. "Draco, that's probably your mum," he said.

"Aww..." Draco groaned. 

"Aww..." Harry copied.

"Come along, boys. We can set up for another playdate soon. How about next time we play outside, yeah? Go sledding and build forts and have fun hot chocolate?"

"Okay..." the two agreed simultaneously. They slowly walked to the sitting room, where Mrs. Malfoy was waiting patiently.

"Little dragon!" Mrs. Malfoy said when Draco ran and hugged her. "Did you have a good time?"

Draco nodded. "Yes, Mummy! Me an' Harry built a t'ain track and he teached me a new game to play an' I won two times!!"

"Did you now? And what game was it?"

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