Message from some Milk Maids?

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Hehehe I'm a sneaky girl. Lol


I reread the letter over and over again, still not believing he had written something so ridiculous. It almost felt like something a certain fool with spiky hair would say. Speaking of Kakarot, what the hell is he up too these days? Its like we've been ignoring each other since the last we saw each other. I pulled out my phone and started texting him hoping he'd reply soon.


When I didn't get a response after some time, I decided it was time I start looking for my next clue. I got up and stretched a bit to release some tension in my legs and arms from sitting to long. I walked across the park kicking a few stones I saw on the way and smiled to myself. I remember the first Christmas I had here. It was boring without my family because believe it or not, I actually love them a lot. My dad was an amazing chef and he probably still is.

My brother......was an asshole. But still he was family and I love him. Our mom died a few weeks after Tarble's birth and our dad was responsible for us all this time. I thought for a while and decided to give him a call. I dialed my dads number on my phone and it rang for a few seconds before he picked up.


"Dad its me. Are you still asleep?"

"A little bit. Why are you calling me? The last time you called was to wish me a happy birthday and that was over a month ago."

"Yeah sorry about that. This may seem strange but I just wanted to hear your voice. And Tarble's too if he's around."

"That's.....strangely sweet coming from you. Are you okay over there?"

I wasn't surprised that my dad was a bit shocked to hear that I wanted to hear his voice. In fact I was shocked with myself.

"Yeah I know dad. So what's been happening with you these days?"

"Just the same as it is every single day. Wake up, go to work, get harassed by my boss and come back. I'm to old for this."

"The old timer still wants to get into your pants huh? Well you can quit if you want to right?"

"Its not as easy as that kid. Tarble needs the money for his college and his job doesn't exactly give the amount he's looking for. So I'm helping him a little. When he gets a job the little shit gonna pay me back."

Merry Christmas, VegetaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt