Chapter Twenty

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His fingers found the base of my chin and slowly pulled my face upward so that I was once again staring into those black eyes. I didn't want to stop despite the fact that they were hooded with an emotion that I couldn't decipher. Two curly ringlets hung across his forehead, dangling like the branches of a weeping willow.

Enzo stroked my chin.

"I'm Alpha, Aoife. Someone, regardless of whether it's family or not but someone assaulting my guest can and will never speak well of me, my values or my pack,"

I don't know what made me bold but in an instant, both of my hands reached out to take Enzo's face in them and cup them. I was still on my knees at the edge of the bed, restricted by the frame, the wood that held the end of the bed acting as the only separating piece between Enzo and me. He stood over me and looked taken aback when my hands reached for his face but he didn't move away.

My golden ring glistened against his cheek as I stroked his cheek and as if the moon was watching us, suddenly, another strong gush of wind invaded the room and blew out all the candles. This left Enzo and me under the intimate gaze of the moon's light that seemed to shine brighter than usual. Enzo blinked.

"Sometimes things happen Enzo and they are beyond our control. Just like how I ended up here and how you have come to be my helper and now even as I was slapped, it wasn't your fault and if you're afraid that you failed me then you shouldn't be," I squeezed his face a bit tighter and he took his hand away from my chin. "Because if there's anyone that has failed someone between us then it's only me,"

I inhaled at the same time Enzo's gaze deepened against me. His eyes shone and his beautiful hair didn't stop rubbing against the back of my hands as the wind just kept gushing in and out of the room through the window. My own hair was being carried to tickle my features.

"How do you mean?" Enzo asked me and I opened my mouth to speak. Well, for starters, I'm deceiving you but oh well, like I said, there are just some things that are beyond our control.

I obviously couldn't say that so instead, I said, "I didn't trust you as a friend and thought the worst of you. For that, I'm sorry," I pulled my hands away from his face and let my face fall.

This time, it was Enzo who cupped my face with his hands and pulled it upward. His fingertips felt hard and strong and slowly, our eyes met again until he took his fingertips to push away my mess of a hair. Enzo pushed my hair behind my ears and slipped his hands behind my head and into my hair, his fingers on either side of my cheeks.  His touch was soft and welcoming and it heated my cheeks.

"Just promise me that you'll never starve yourself again,"

I nod into his hands.

"And you promise me that you won't blame yourself anymore," Enzo didn't respond and I brought my hands up to touch his which was still holding me. "Enzo?"

"I don't make promises that I can't keep,"

I squeezed his hands as my eyes shined against his.

"Okay then instead, promise me that you'll protect me," I squeezed his hand harder.

"I promise," He responded and I smiled as he held me and I held him until he eventually pulled away, taking his hands back to his sides. "I'll try my best to never let any harm come to you, Aoife. I give you my word,"

"And I give you my word that I'll take care of myself, Enzo,"

He smiled at me and his hair fell forward as he chuckled. I sat down on his bed, my knees aching from all the kneeling I had to do.

"What are you thinking, Alpha?" I asked, fingering the hem of my dress and Enzo pushed his curly hair backwards. It bounced at the same time that the wind decided to greet us again. Enzo shook his head and I frowned.

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