Marichat sin(Great story but its not mine)

Start from the beginning

"You made fun of my Naruto socks."

Marinette smiles in relief and sets the lamp back down on the beside table, reaching up to unclip the lock, "You have to admit, they were ugly."

"You know, I came out to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now," he pounces down onto the mattress, leaping with all fours onto the neighboring chaise.

"First Naruto, now memes?" she locks the trapdoor behind him and spins around, heedless to the way the towel flutters around her thighs, "You're lucky I don't kick you to the curb."

"But I just got here," he eyes her approvingly, his voice having dropped a few registers at the sight of her. She hadn't bothered putting her hair back into ponytails after her bath, her loose tresses falling in soft waves against her shoulders and back. She tries to quell the blush that threatens to spread to her collarbones and chest, having been the subject of his gaze more times than she can count, but she feels so exposed, so unprotected and bare to him now, her dollar store mask long forgotten in the back pocket of her jeans.

Not that she needs it anymore.

Something must show on her face because Chat suddenly changes his stance, settling against the cushions, "Hey Marinette."

"Hey," she replies, sitting back down on her bed. She looks down at her bare legs, swinging them idly, "Welcome to my room."

"It's nice," he says, looking around, "A little too pink for my taste, but it suits you."

She shrugs, "It's my favourite colour."

"So I guessed," he crosses his legs in front of him and leans to the side, propping his head on the elbow leaning against the chaise, "Did you watch the footage Alya posted on the LadyBlog?"

Marinette glances over towards her computer, "I've been meaning to."

"I thought that would be the first thing you'd do," Chat says, his surprise obvious in his tone, "It's not like you had a first-hand experience or anything."

"I..." she trails off, "Did you know? Before?"

"Did I know what?" he says, his face the pinnacle of innocence. He's used it on her enough times before to no longer be fooled.

"You know what."

Chat looks away, scratching at the back of his head, "If I knew your identity? I...I had my suspicions but I didn't...I didn't know for sure until then."

She sighs and continues kicking her legs, her heels bouncing off her bedspring. Was it really such a bad thing? After all this time, everything they'd been through, everything they'd done...if anyone had earned the right to know who she was, it was this man. He'd asked before, and she'd denied him every time. She did her best to not think of who he might be, though she knew he was leaving clues for her to ignore.

He wanted to know who she was. He'd earned that knowledge in a thousand different ways. He'd had the opportunity to find out before and had never capitalized on it, but this? This situation was a little different than a door that hadn't fully closed, or stepping around the side of a chimney. She had literally detransformed in front of him, with no way to hide or escape.

Finally raising her head, she makes eye contact with him across the short distance that yawns between them. This is yanking off a bandaid that had been on too long; hold your breath and try not to think of the sting. Because even if it hurts, the bandage needs to come off.

"Well, now you know," she says and her tone is a little more acidic than she'd intended. She looks away again, embarrassed and frustrated and a myriad of other emotions all rolled up into one. She feels like curling up into a ball under the heat of his gaze, uncomfortable and exposed like an insect fixed to a pinning block. She doesn't know what to think of his inaction, of the way he continues to sit across from her, eyeing her curiously.

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