Part Three~~ A shocking suprise

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Y/N awoke in the hospital wing. "What happened?" Tom quickly ran into the hospital wing, asking the same thing.

"Well". Started Madam Pomfrey. "She's suffered a major injury to the head. But she will be just fine in a week or two"

Tom let out a sigh of relief just as Cormac came rushing in. "I came right as I hear" he said.

Tom glared daggers at Cormac. The hole time Tom was stroking my hand. Cormac soon got up and left saying he had some work to do.

Y/N quickly fell asleep. While Tom slowly drifted off to sleep.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Y/N woke up in her dormitory, she felt someone shift next to her. She shifted quickly to look at the one and only Tom Riddle.

He took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes.

"Hello darling". He said

It made Y/N stomach flutter in a good way of course. "What are you doing in my bed, Tom" Y/N asked in a stern tone.

"Why I wanted to have some alone time with you. Now is that bad, Darling?" Tom asked in a seductive manner.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Cormac and Y/N were sitting on the Griffindor side of the quidditch pitch. Y/N was there to acompany him as his team plays against Slythern.

Griffindor won so we all celebrated in their common room. There we Ravenclaws,Hufflepuffs, And of course Griffindor. No slytherns seemed to be seen, I can see why.

"Hey do you mind if I talk to you?" Cormac asked

"No not at all, Cormac" Y/N says

Cormac grabs Y/Ns wrists and drags her out of the common room and into a dark and gloomy corridor.

"So, I've been wondering.. if you would like to go to the yule ball with me?" Cormac asked nervously.

"Of course I would Cormac, But just as friends, I don't want to ruin our friendship" Y/N says

"Yeah.. as friends" Cormac says blushing

While Tom was doing his prefect duties, roaming the dark halls at night. He heard a door creaking in the distance.

As Tom is quitely creeping the dark corridors a hand pulls him into an abandoned classroom. It was Cormac.

"What do you want Mclaggen" Tom says demanding an answer.

"I just wanted to tell you that Y/N and me are going to the Yule ball together" Cormac says with his head held high.

"Ok? And?.." Tom says. "Did you think I wanted to go?" Tom asked Cormac

"Well it's quite obvious that you fancy Y/N". Cormac says back in a stern tone.

"I don't fancy anyone. Just in case you weren't found of it, I was born under a love potion, so to sum it up for you brain cell, I can't love or feel any emotion. Tom says back clearly annoyed with the blonde figure in font of him.

Cormac dosent say anything back. He didn't know that he was under a love potion. But he didn't feel back for him, not even a little bit.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Tom was just heading down to the library when he spotted Y/N being pinned up against a wall by none other than Cormac Mclaggen.

"Cormac get off of me!" Y/N whispered yelled and tryed to push Cormac off of her, but he didn't budge.

"Not untill you tell me the truth Y/N" Cormac says.

"I am!"

Hey, not trying to interrupt but may I politely ask for you to get off of her?" Tom says in a stern manner.

Cormac pushes him self off of Y/N and storms off.

"Are you okay?" Tom asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks Tom" Y/N says blushing.

625 words

Hey, thanks for reading. And yes I know that Tom attended hogwarts about 50 year befor Cormac but I thought they would be best for the story. This is based off of Harry Potter just mixed around from movie to move or book to book. So if you haven't read all the books or watched all the movies. I would do that before continuing reading the story so you understand most of what's going on.

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