Obsession Chapter 2

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So here's chapter two for you---- i'm thinking to start and TRY to upload about once a week, if that doesn't get too stressful, in which case i'll tell you guys so you don't wait in avail.... i like the story so far... i have like 48 hand-written pages in a file, but considering that the first chapter was 12 of those and only turned out as 5 on here, i don't really know how many chapter that'll be... hoping to write some more though, so don't worry...

currently working to put a little more to chapter 3 which will, if goes as planned, be up next sunday.... may not be completely ready since i have like... 3? tests this week, and if such is the case, i apologize in beforehand... sorry. --- promise i'll try though!!

lots of love


You don't know what obsession is... 

Until you meet me.

Chapter 2

Cain's POV 

Lily suddenly blushed furiously red and looked away, at the same time snapping me back to the classroom. She looked at her feet as she went to sit down, glancing around just before she did so. 

Oh, God, she was beautiful. 

Lily was placed two seats in front and one to the left of me, so I had a perfect view of her the whole period. Well, not her face, but her neck, her hair, and the way she moved her arms and hands every time she spoke, animating her speech. Her voice carried loud and clear through the room, and I inhaled every word. 

A few times she made a motion as if she thought of turning around, but seemed to stop herself each time. I wondered why. 

At last the bell rang end of period, and students rushed for the door, but since Lily stayed behind, I decided to stall too, pretending to drop my things as an excuse, and I told Tommy, who'd sat next to me the whole time but whom I'd barely even noticed, to go ahead without me. 

'Mr Stuart', she said, and I looked up to see her hand over a piece of paper to the teacher. 'I was told you would sign this for me.' 

'Of course, miss Hammond', he said and then looked over her shoulder at me. 'Evans, you be on your way now, or you'll be late for next period.' 

I grunted in response and picked up my books, following right behind Lily out the door. She smelled wonderful - like a mix of roses and honey, and raspberries. I followed her down to the ground floor and through the corridors until she stopped at her locker and opened it. It wasn't until then that I noticed where we were. Wow. She has her locker in the same corridor as I do. Lucky me, I thought as I made myself pass Lily and go over to my own locker, 617, it would have been really awkward if I hadn't had anywhere to go after she stopped. 

I stood by my locker for a while, until the second bell rang and the corridors emptied, which left Lily and I alone. I felt myself getting nervous, even though she was several lockers down, staring at a piece of paper intently, as if trying to set it on fire with her mind. 

Just to do something, I stuffed my books into my locker and ran my hands through my hair. 

'Excuse me.' I froze. 'Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me where to find room... 115?' 

I slowly turned to face her, feeling once again as if electric shots were shooting through my whole body as I met her eyes. There was a short pause before I had gathered myself up enough to speak. 

"Yeah. Sure", I croaked. She looked expectantly up at me. "Here", I said, regaining control of my voice, "I'll take you to it." 

I felt her behind me, and her presence grew stronger for every step I took. It took all I had not to turn around and look at her, touch her, to kiss her. And then, finally, we were at the right door. I didn't think I'd be able to go if I actually looked at her, so with a deep breath and a wrenching pain in my stomach, I ignored her "thank you" and walked on. It wasn't until I heard the door shut behind her that I stopped and had to lean onto the wall for a couple of deep breaths. 

You don't know what obsession is... Until you meet me. (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now