Part 5

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His tender lips meeting yours, is a feeling you'll never forget. Even if it was just for a brief second before you pulled away. You felt all your feelings that have been bottled up inside of you, this whole time were finally gone. For just a second, you no longer had any thoughts of Hunter, of all the things he's done to you. You not once thought of what you were going to do next, or what you had just been doing. You were in the present, and that's all that mattered. Pulling away quickly you spluttered, "I-I'm so sorry! I don't know-" what I was thinking, you finished in your head. His expression, told you to stop talking. It told you to forget whatever you had to say, and just kiss him again. Meeting his lips with yours for a second time, it was even better than the first. It didn't matter that he was your teacher. That you've only known him for a few days. It didn't even matter that he came to you when you needed him the most. This time it was he that pulled away from the kiss, leaving you wanting more. "Mr. Styles-" you began to explain yourself again. This isn't how you're supposed to treat your teachers Y/N, you scolded yourself. But you couldn't help it.

"Please. Call me Harry," he said simply.

"Harry," you corrected, "I'm so sorry."

"For what?" he asked swiping his bottom lip with his finger. That simple action, can you turn you on so well...He noticed you staring at his lips, and smirked. He kissed you again. Moving his lips with yours, it was short sweet kiss. The type that could dry your tears. "For that?" he asked pulling away suddenly just to prove a point.

"For that," you agreed.

"It's okay. If you hadn't done it, then I would have," he said chuckling a bit. You sighed in relief. Those words made you feel so much better. That you weren't the only one that wanted this.

"Sooo now what?" you asked looking down at his arms entangled with yours.

"Um I guess we-" he began, "Fix that." He pointed at your phone, lying helplessly on the ground.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry about that too. I don't know what I was thinking. I was just. I was just-" you said before he cut you off.



"It was him wasn't it?" he asked about the caller that made you fling your phone halfway to Mars. You nodded. He smiled understandingly, and brushed away a stray lock of bangs from your face. "I've never looked really looked into your eyes before," he breathed caught in them.

"I have," you said the words seeming to just slip out of your mouth. He laughed slightly before smiling.

"Your eyes are really beautiful..." he trailed.

You blushed, "Thanks." After an awkward minute or so you pulled out of his grasp. "I should really be going. My parents are probably flipping," you said reaching for your school bag.

"Okay," he replied walking you to the door. You could see a frown itching at the corners of his lips.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked.

"See you tomorrow Mr.-Um Harry," you smiled before turning your back to him and walking out the door.

"Wait Y/N!" he called reaching for your arm as you spun back to face him. He placed another kiss on your lips. A passionate, comforting, goodbye kiss. "Don't tell anyone about this," he whispered before letting you leave.


Final period. Finally. You weaved your way through the crowded halls. You had less than a minute to get to Mr. Style's class, but after all who cares if you were late right? He wouldn't mind. You found his class and made your way to the only empty seat. "Okay class," he began right as the bell rang, "I assume you all did your homework from last night?" Your eyes widened as he set his stare upon you. After all that happened last night, you had forgotten to read the chapters. Shit. You looked at him, struggling for an answer. But he looked away, ignoring it. "How about I check that tomorrow? Let's move on," he announced turning to his whiteboard. You grinned, knowing exactly what he was doing. Oh how you wanted to jump up and hug him, thank him. Not just for this, but for everything. The class carried on, as he rambled off about random history dates. You tried as hard as you possibly could to listen and to focus on what he was saying. But it was too hard. Instead, you admired the way that he flipped his hair every few minutes, swiping it gently to the side, so it was out of his way. The way he was full of knowledge, and knew the answer to every question the class asked. The way his accent said Christopher Columbus...Ring Ring! "Okay class. You can go. Remember I'm checking the homework tomorrow!" he said settling his eyes on you. You blushed with embarrassment. Even after everything that happened yesterday, you should still be able to remember to do your homework. You wanted to talk to him, so you waited for everyone to leave the room before you got up from your seat.

"Are you coming Y/N?" your best friend, Jennifer asked.

"Oh um. Yeah. I'll see you out there," you said pretending to pack up your things slowly. After everyone had left you strut up to the front of the room.

"What a naughty girl. Not doing her homework," Harry said Tsk Tsking and waving his finger side to side.

"Oh right sorry about that. I just was having a really bad night and-" he stopped you. His hands found your waist as he pulled you closer to himself, pressing his soft lips to yours. He gave you a long kiss, and you could feel him smiling through it. You smiled back and giggled.

"I understand Y/N," he whispered pressing his forehead against yours. His warm, sticky breath clung to your face. It smelled of peppermint and chocolate, you loved it. You breathed it in taking it all in. He kissed you again, this time picking you up and placing you down on his desk. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. You kissed him roughly, begging for more. You felt his tongue wipe against your lower lip, as you grant him entrance. His tongue finding its way around your mouth as he explored every bit of it. You did the same to him, fighting for dominance. He easily won and he smirked. You glanced past him to look at the clock. You didn't want to get home late again, your parents are already worried about you from yesterday. But your eyes met something else. Somebody else. You gasped as you saw two eyes staring right back at you.

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