Part 4

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"Please sit Y/N?" Mr. Styles asked. You watched as he undid his tie. It was an emerald green, plaid tie that matched perfectly with his eyes. Wow those eyes...

"Um I should probably be getting home..." you trailed backing up towards the door. Your parents were going to start worrying.

"Please," he said suddenly reaching out and grabbing your hand, "Please?" You looked down at the very point your hands met, where you felt the sparks, the fireworks, the whole shebang.

"Okay," you said entranced.

"Good," he smiled happy he won that one. He patted the seat across from him. "Can I get you some water? Maybe some juice? Or do you-" the questions flew out of his mouth in order to impress you or something. Mr. Styles impressing you? Pssht. More like the other way around.

"I'm fine," you said loudly over him.

"Oh alright," he said sitting back down. Minutes of inevitable silence filled the room. You watched his eyes, as he watched yours. It was back and forth like this for awhile until he spoke out of turn. "Y/N," he began quietly. You cocked your head a little straighter. "What was that all about it?" he asked concerned. You thought back to what he was referring to. You wanted to say that it was stupid boyfriend, who takes advantage of you, who abuses you, violates you, makes you feel...unloved.

But instead you said, "Nothing." His shoulders dropped.

"Come on Y/N. I know it wasn't just nothing. Did-did you know him?" he asked trying to tiptoe around the subject. You thought about lying, about pretending that it was some old prick who was just trying to get in your pants. How you've never seen him before, never set eyes on him in your life. But you didn't. You felt safe with Mr. Styles. Almost too safe. You decided to just tell him everything. He listened intently, nodding when needed, closing his eyes for effect. By the end of your story, you were choked with tears. You let them flow one by one, hitting his carpet gently. "Hey now. Don't cry Y/N," he said walking over to sit by you. He took your hand. You pulled back, instantly thinking of Hunter's touch. He slowly reached for your hand once again, cautiously waiting for your reaction. You shivered when it touched yours once again, but kept your hand nestled within his. "We need to do something about this," he stated. You weren't exactly sure what this was. Was he talking about Hunter. Or your relationship..."I think I should go to the principal," he resolved.

"No!" you cried, "Don't!" Mr. Styles furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean no?" he asked.

"Don't," you whispered burying your face in your hands.

"Bu-but why not?" he asked, "Don't you want him to get in trouble for this?"

"Of course!" you yelled out, "Of course I do! I want him to suffer. I want him to suffer hard like he made me suffer. I want him to feel the pain-"

"Then we need to tell someone," he cut in.

"No," you sighed, "We can't. He's just going to hurt me. I know him. He's just going to come after me. He's going to make me pay for turning him in."

"I won't let him," you heard those words ring in your ear. Would he really be able to stop Hunter from hurting you, again? "I promise," he said, "I promise." You wanted to believe him. Believe him that Hunter would never set a finger on you again. But ever since Hunter turned into that kind of guy, you could never trust again. What if Mr. Styles just did the same thing to you? But when you looked up at him, at the sincerity in his eyes. You knew he meant it.

Your ringtone went off seconds later, filling the room with noise that no longer would have been there. You snatched it out of your pocket with one swift movement. You saw the six letters on the screen that you dreaded to see, you hated to see. The memories, building up in the back of your mind, as anger forged to fly out. You stood up, and hurled your phone against one of Mr.Style's bare walls out of impulse. With a loud clatter it fell to the ground, shattering into millions of pieces. You never wanted to talk to that asshole again. You felt two arms wrap themselves around you, holding them close to their heaving chest. They held you back from the temptation to do anymore damage, the temptation to kill. You hated Hunter with all your heart, and you wanted him to know that. "Shhh shhh shh Y/N," he cooed into your ear. You felt his hot breath against your ear as he calmed you down. Staying in his arms for a few moments convinced you. You knew what you had to do, it was obvious this whole time. So you spun him around, and kissed him.

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