Ark: Chapter Four

Começar do início

I turned toward him as Hunter turned to me to show me the Assault Rifle that was now in his hands as he pointed at a few things while telling me what they were, his weapon had a Holo-Scope Attachment and it seemed the Hunter was on the better side of survival. I stared at the Assault Rifle in awe as Hunter gave me a few tips on shooting but I was more focused on his enthusiasm than the actual tips. He was like a small child that was telling you about it's favorite movie, his eyes were lit with excitement as he told me about the Holo-Scope Attachment next, and I didn't listen to that either. 

"Here, stand right here." Hunter said suddenly as I tuned in to what he was saying before quickly nodding and doing as he said, what was he up to?

I did as he said and he took up the space behind me with his torso flesh to my back, I could feel his heat as I leaned back against him a little, he then grabbed my left hand first and placed it on the rifle before following to grab my right and do the same. I was shocked that he trusted me to shoot his gun, that he even let me touch the gun because I couldn't trust myself to do something like that. 

"Shoot it." He beckoned gently, pointing to the ground a little farther from us.

"I..." I took a heavy breath, I can't do that, I'm scared.

"Shhh, you can do it." Hunter said, his face coming to rest beside mine so that we were cheek to cheek before he lifted the gun for me and showed me how to position it while I looked through the scope.

His scent was back, the firewood mixed with soot and berries was intoxicating me once more as I slowly turned my head to look into his blue eyes as he looked back at me with his eyes darkening a little, I heard a man's eyes do that when their in lust. I blilnked a few times before blushing and sheepishly smiling while turning to shoot the gun, I looked through the Holo-Scope Attachment once more and pulled the trigger. I gasped as pain shot through my right eye and I quickly released the gun to cup my eye from the scope recoil smacking me in the face.

"I should of told you don't be so close to the scope, the recoil will damage you. Let me see." I whined in pain as Hunter whirled me around to encase me in his arms. "It'll be okay."

I grabbed onto him while releasing another whine, I was in pain but it was more manageable and I definitely wasn't going to cry before him. I pulled back and looked up at him as he grabbed my cheeks gently and looked at the wound before suddenly leaning forward and gently pecking it. I blushed and decided to make the next move by putting my lips against his, he quickly gave in and wrapped his arms around my waist to pull me taut against his body. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck as we completely forgot about his Assault Rifle, I pulled away as my left wrist vibrated and it immediately left an uncomfortable sensation when it did so. I looked at my wrist to see that there was a Specimen Implant in my left arm, right in the center of my wrist. It blinked red three times and I looked at it in confusion before looking at Hunter as he grabbed my wrist gently and kissed the implant. 

"You took a little damage." He informed me. "It'll flash red when you get hurt, it'll flash purple when you heal." And on cue, it flashed purple as I healed immediately. "See."

"Wow." I said in shock, looking closer at the implant that looked liked very painful but perhaps it wasn't, I felt no pain whenever I touched it.

Hunter stepped back and grabbed his Assault Rifle off the ground to sling on his back once more as I looked over at him while waiting to see what we would do next, he grabbed my wrist again and inspected my Specimen Implant again before showing me his as well. I reached over and touched his just as he touched mine gently, it seemed like they vibrated together in three quick pulses. I gasped at the sensation as it seemed to catch him off guard as well, I stared at it as both of the Specimen Implants in our wrist glowed a glowing pink, I cocked my head curiously while looking at Hunter to see that he had a distant face. He blinked a few times as I waited for him to tell me what it meant when our implants had synced like that, I believe I had a clue but I wasn't very sure. 

"What did that mean? When it vibrated with yours and turned pink?" I asked him.

Instead of responding, Hunter just turned away from me and slouched his way into his home without a simple sound or word, I blinked a few times as I noticed that he didn't seem ready to talk to me about the interaction. I felt a little sad about it, I wanted to learn more from him because he was a very good and committed teacher that obviously liked telling me new things that he knew. I bit my lip while glancing to look at him before suddenly remembering exactly why I came to meet him at the pond. 

I quickly grabbed my Canteen and eerily watched the pond as I slipped the Canteen under the water, I glanced behind me to see where Hunter had disappeared to when the water suddenly splashed. I gasped in horror just as the same Sarco from before beached and it's giant head landed directly on my lap, I went utterly still as I expected it to attack me soon afterwards. Instead it seemed to lay completely still with it's eyes drooping. 

My Canteen overfilled but I didn't care as I reached up with a shaky hand to touch the Sarco hesitantly, I touched the Sarco's head before quickly recoiling my hand then touching it again a few times. When it seemed safe enough, I laid my hand on the Sarco and left it just as Hunter's whistle breezed through the air and the Sarco quickly retreated while Hunter gestured for me to follow him inside. 

"It's getting late, come inside." He told me and I quickly listened, still in disbelief that his Sarco was being friendly to me. 

"It was laying on me." I told him in shock and he slowly nodded while seeming to ignore my earlier question, I started to get a bad vibe from him then, he seemed so distant suddenly. "Did I do something wrong?" Maybe I shouldn't had kissed him... "If so, I apologize." 

"You didn't do anything wrong." Hunter told me, gently squeezing my shoulder in a friendly manner, and I felt like then and there, I was just a friend.

"I shouldn't had kissed you." I pushed, feeling guilty because now he was lying about it, he was uncomfortable about something. 

"I know." He said, as if I had insulted him and he had agreed.

I was speechless as Hunter left me at the doorway and slowly I followed him to the bedroom as he plopped in the bed before rolling his back to me, he was acting so distant since our interaction and wouldn't tell me what anything meant by it. I thought he would of liked me kissing him but apparently not, but that didn't make sense because he only came distant after our implants glowed pink in unison... what if it did mean that? We had sex yesterday, what if it meant what I believe it meant? No, it's probably because we're emotionally tied to each other but can't be together, I'm sure that's what it mean.

ARK: Survival Evolved: Respawning LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora