Chapter 3

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I looked around the road confusedly, I was in Italy now. I used different means of transportation to get here and I was finally here. I sighed, why did I choose Italy again? Right, father hates this place so it will be the last place he will ever check. Plus, the fake identity I have is registered under Italy. My new name is Viona Reed, that's what people would know me as. I sighed and pulled my bags further until I saw a cab. I spoke to him to drop me off at an hotel for the mean time, a cheap hotel that is barely known.

I wore a black hood over my head and made sure my face was kept hidden. When we got to the poor hotel, I grudgingly checked in. The place was almost falling apart, geez! Who still stays here? Very poor people. 'Welcome to Italy Vee,' I smiled. All that was left was to change my hair and look and then find a house to squat in.


I looked around the eatery with disgust, people were really eating it like that, so irritating. The hotel was found at the lowest part of the town, I don't wish my enemy to visit this hotel. I walked to the manager and smiled at him, he arched a brow. 'Hope you are enjoying your stay here?'

'No, I'm not. This place sucks,'

'Well sorry,' he drawled sarcastically. 'This is how this place have been since so if you don't like em, you walk.'

'Hmmm,' I turned and walked out, I need to get out of here. I walked out of the dirty street, I didn't like the smell, people and everything. It was making me feel sick but I had no choice. I hailed a cab to a better restaurant, not that expensive but sold good food. 'Good evening,' I greeted the woman at the counter.

'Oh, welcome to Mary's eat, please take a seat over there and wait for one of our waitresses or waiter to attend to you.'

'Alright, can I ask a question though?'

'Sure, ask.'

'Do you know anyone who is searching for a roommate? I really need a place to sleep.'

'Hmm, none that I know of but I will send someone who always know everything over, is that okay?'

'Very okay, thank you.' She nodded. I walked to the chair she pointed to and sat down quietly. I sighed, I miss mom already. I just need to settle down first before I contact her in three months time. Dad might not be smart but my younger brother is. He knows I will definitely try to contact mom so he will be monitoring her calls for the next three to five months. Even if it will kill me, I will shift it to a year. Hopefully, mom would be okay.

'Good evening Miss and welcome to Mary's eat, what would you like me to get you?'

'Anything edible,' I sighed tiredly. She laughed and noted something down. 'Drinks?'


'Anything else?'

'Have any idea who wants a roommate? I'm in need of an apartment.'

'Well...' She trailed off and tapped her pen on her chin. 'I think someone told me about a friend who knows a friend that needs a roommate, I can try to contact the person if you want.' She suggested politely.

'I'm in, please contact the person. I will drop my number s.....I don't have a phone again. I will come back tomorrow, same time. Is that okay?'

'Sure,' she walked out to get my order. I sighed and massaged my temple, I was thinking about Carolyn as well. Just hope she's okay. Mom promise to take care of her for me, I hope they will be fine together. The lady came back with a tray of food, tofu I think. 'So, what's your name?' I was looking at the weird tofu. 'Fofu,'


'Fofu is like tofu but with meat,'


'So, your name?'

'Viona Reed,'


'Nice to meet you.'


I was back at the restaurant, waiting for who needed a roommate. Monica walked to me with a girl, she looked a little bit older than I am. 'Viona, this is her, I will go back to work and leave you to talk.'

'Thank you Monica,'

'You're welcome.' She nodded at the girl and walked out in a rush. The girl sat down shyly, a sheepish one. She had curly brown hair, light pink lips and dark green eyes. She is a black, light wood color if I must be precise. She's beautiful but her major problem are the freckles on her face and she's bald in the front, have bad and scanty hair.

'So, I'm Viona Reed, you are?'

'Ursula Warren,' she replied shyly. 'Are you Italian?'

'Yes,' I lied. 'Your house, is it just a room?'

'No, not at all. It's two rooms, a bathroom, kitchen, storeroom and basement.'

'Why did you rent two rooms?'

'I didn't,' she said sadly. 'The house is mine by right, I lived there with my parents before they died almost two years ago. Things are getting too hard for me now, I lost my job and I find it difficult to get a new one. A friend suggested I get a roommate for now, to earn a little money so here I am.'

'How long am I permitted to stay?'

'As long as you pay,' she was still looking at her hands. 'I don't mind a new friend to stay with, it gets lonely all the time.'

'Don't you have siblings?' She shook her head negatively. 'No relatives?'

'Just two, my mother's siblings but her family have their backs turned against each other.'

'What about food? Every man for himself?'

'I don't know, what would you want? I really want us to live like sisters if you don't mind,' she tucked her hair behind her ear shyly again.

'How old are you?'

'Nineteen, I will be twenty next month.' Her voice was just too soft and sheepish, like she's sleepy and shy at the same time. I'm older than her, nice.

'I'm older,' I smiled. 'I've always wanted a younger sister, I love your name though and why are you so old?'

'Stress of life,' she shrugged.

'Why do you speak so softly? Like you are sleepy?'

'I once had a throat surgery, I can't speak higher than this. If I dare, I feel pain.'

'Is that so,' I like her, she won't give me problems. 'Are you a clean freak?'

'Not a freak but I enjoy a neat environment,'

'Alright. Can you cook?'

'I try my best.'

'I'm more of a baker, very good at anything connected to ovens and freezer but frying, steaming and the rest are zero.'

She chuckled. 'It's okay, I can teach you.'

'It's alright, and the rent fee?'

'What can you pay? I don't want to make you uncomfortable.'

'Are you gonna be straightforward already?' I scoffed. 'This is business, not play.'

'Oh,' she fumbled with her fingers. 'Are you in college?'

'Not yet, you?'

'Don't have the money to,'

'Oh,' I adjusted my glasses with a smile. I dyed my hair rainbow and cut it into a Bob. I really hate cutting my beautiful hair but I had to. I wore glasses too, one that changed my eyes to dark Brown whenever i put it on. My skin was of normal ivory color with a little bit pinkish touch.

Another stage complete, now to start living

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