Chapter 2

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I tapped my hand on the arm of the wooden chair with a smirk as I watched mom and dad converse in the TV. Mom was begging dad to reconsider, due to the fact that I had silently been watching him prepare for my "wedding" which was unlike me. The best punishment is saved for the last you know.

'Devon, you of all people should know your own daughter, you know how crazy she is and yet you are doing something this expensive to her?!'

'There is nothing Cookie can do this time, I already have her pranks neutralized. Guards and cameras are watching her every move, she can't do anything about this, I assure you.'

'You know, when you said marriage, I actually thought you were marrying her off to one of his sons, not he himself!' Mom yelled upsettingly. 'Why are you so selfish! So self-centered and greedy! Selling your almost 21 years old daughter to an old man, older than my own father!'

'You forgot to say I'm selling off your hard headed psychopathically stupid daughter with the a malfunctioning brain to a man that will make us richer than we are. Our level will be ungraded. If eventually he does die, she will be part of those to gain his wealth.'

Mom laughed incredulously. 'And you really believe that an old man with six wives, ten sons, most your age and daughters far more older than your own will sit back and allow what belongs to them be willed to a kid, right?' She chuckled skeptically. 'You think you are smart but you don't have any single common sense, nothing at all.'

'Are you talking to me?' He asked angrily. 'How dare you insult me!!!'

'I will not let you treat my daughter with such disrespect! I get that she's a little bit nutty, changes personalities unpredictably but that doesn't mean you have the right to sell her off like that!'

'I gained that right the moment you wore my ring and bore my last name! Until now, I'm not asking you who her father really is because I have already assumed that position so I have rights over her!!!!' Wait, what?

'You can't marry her off!!!' She screamed in tears. 'Leave her alone! If she was your biological daughter, you wouldn't be treating her this way!!!'

'Haven't I tried for that bastard!!!'

'It is you who is a bastard you son of a harlot!' She screamed and fell on the floor because of the slap dad gave her. My eyes were red as my hands were clenched into fists. I breathe in and out heavily, not his daughter, no wonder.

Mom sobbed quietly as he stared down at her, trying to hold his anger. 'Now if you don't want me to call your children and tell them that their useless mother broke our martial vows and came home with another man's child, you will behave yourself and encourage your daughter towards the idea of this marriage. I have planned for this a lot and this is the little way you both can repay me. Is that clear?' Mom only cried. 'Is that clear?!'

She screamed as he grabbed her hair, yanking it viciously. 'Yes, yes.'

'Good,' he pushed her head roughly, causing it to bash against the floor. I inhaled and turned off the TV were I do my spy work. I massaged my temple smirkingly, he laid his hands on my mother, is alright; very alright. I picked up my phone and stared at it. Change of plans.

I stood up, adjusted my angry face to a sweet smile and walked out of my room. I skipped towards mom and dad's, the stupid guards kept their eyes on me. I knocked on the door musically and swayed myself back and forth as I waited for him. He opened the door slowly and stuck his head out. 'Hi dad,' I said soberly, feigning innocence and repentance.

'What do you want?'

'You see,' I rolled my pigtail around my palms shyly. 'I thought about what Leone said and Indeed it was true. You and mom, everyone have been offering me the best and I've been acting so immature and....and....incorrigible. You have done so much for me, shown me so much love and care and I really want to repay you. I will marry this man and get out of your hair for good.'

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