'Is this a joke?'

I shook my head poutingly. 'I'm serious,'

'Did you guys checked her to make sure she isn't wearing a bomb or carrying a gun?' He asked with a little panic as he stepped back into his room. I wanted to laugh but I knew better.

'I'm doing this for mom,' I cut in sharply. 'I'm tired of making her cry, I want to change for her sake.'

He walked out of the room and touched my forehead. 'You're not hot, maybe typhoid or you hit your head somewhere. Somebody call me the family doctor immediately....'

'Dad, I'm fine, I promise.'

'You are not.' He deadpanned.

'So me deciding to peacefully marry my grandfather to make MY mother happy is unbelievable?' I asked with a lopsided sweet smirk. He opened his mouth to speak but shut it and stroke his chin.

'Well, I can believe that since your mother is involved but what else do you set to gain?'

'My new husband will sponsor my college fee, duh. Plus, mom will stop being worried and Leone won't have to always bore me through his tranquilizing sermons. I will have peace of mind as well. I will be queen somewhere outside your zone.'

He nodded with a smile, believing my words. 'I agree, you indeed will do such. Prove yourself and get ready for the engagement party tomorrow night, no clever pranks.'

'I wouldn't dare,' I promised. I really won't dare, for now.


I smiled at everyone who greeted me at the engagement ball, I didn't do anything particularly crazy. Just wore a simple red gown with green heels and freaky heavy makeup. My hair was up in a messy bun, my hair which I dyed blonde. Dad didn't exactly understand why but I have my reasons for covering my face with makeup, changing my hair and wearing a dark tan skin cloth. There is no way I will be recognised anywhere as the young gurl who wanted to marry her grandfather.

'I'm surprise you haven't done anything yet,' I smiled at the person and waved my hand which held my glass of wine. It was my younger brother, Roy. 'You are usually very unpredictable and mischievous, why haven't you pulled a fast one on our old man?'

'Hmm,' I said with a shrug, sipping from my glass. 'Maybe because I have indeed changed.'

'I don't believe you, that's too good to be true.' He said incredulously, everyone have been saying that. Am I that mischievous?

'Well little brother,' I took another sip. 'Like you said, I'm unpredictable and this,' I dropped the wineglass between his fingers. 'Is one of my unpredictable actions.'


'If you'll excuse me,' I smirked, pulling my dress down to reveal my cleavage. 'I have a fiancé to seduce, ta!' I cat walked out of his presence and sighed, can't believe I'm about to do this.

I walked to the stupid old man laughing with some men his age. I wrapped my hands around his shoulders coquettishly and kissed his cheek. 'Cookie?'

'Yeah, me. I miss you.' The other men looked at me with both amusement, disgust and doubt.

'You do? Well of course,' he said covering up his state of shock. 'What would you have me do?'

'Come with me, please?'

'Why?' He asked like I was taking him to get murdered. I moved my lips to his ear and kissed it, letting my hands slid into his suit seductively.

'Please baby?'

Sweet but a psychoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora