"I don't want to sleep in your bed." she said back, a stiffness forming in her voice now, finding a bit of her backbone again.

"You slept there last night." he said as if reminding her she had awoken in the large comfortable bed.

"It wasn't a conscious decision, I think you're well aware of that." she stated back keeping her firm tone, as if reminding him that she was drugged.

"Then sleep on the floor, I don't really care." he said indifferently. He took another sip, and she mirrored his actions due to the awkwardness only enhancing between the two of them.

"That's fine with me." she said back, preferring to lay on the floor with her dog, than in bed with him.

"Good." he stated back sharply, his eyes hardening at her as she seemed to be relieved with the option. "I'm sure it will be very comfortable for you."

"I'm sure it will." she said with a shrug. "Are we done with dinner?" she questioned, finishing the rest of her wine.

"Have another glass, I think you're going to need it to sleep well tonight after today." he said in the air of concern, as he without asking filled the liquid all the way to the brim of her cup.

"I won't sleep with you." she said back her eyes narrowing at him.

"I wouldn't take advantage." he returned the glare as she accused him again of indecent intentions.

She kept her eye contact and grabbed the glass, spilling some of the contents over the brim with how much he had filled it, and then began to gulp it down in large draws into her mouth. Feeling an incredible warmth spill down her throat and begin to spread throughout her body with how rapidly she was drinking the red fluid. When she finished it, she placed the glass back down on the table in a challenging manner as she completed the task.

"Another." he said, taxing her once again by filling the cup to the top, the bottle almost empty now save for about a half glass worth of contents.

Her eyes remained narrowed as she once again repeated the chug, her stomach becoming slightly nauseous at the assault the wine was taking on it. Her cheeks flushing at the rapid flow of the intoxicating substance.

"Another." he said as he was going to pour the rest of the contents of the bottle into the glass, but it was immediately covered by her hand.

"I'm finished." she said in a definite tone.

"Suit yourself." he shrugged. "Mary, we won't be having dessert." he called out in a louder volume, knowing that the she-wolf would be able to hear from the closed room door in which she was laying in wait. His chair screeched back, as he stood, and topped off his glass of scotch. "Lets go to sleep, I have an early morning." he said without looking at her, his hand extended for her to grab.

She chose to grab it as she stood to prevent further conflict between them, having already received what she wanted as he seemed to give in to her desire in not wanting to share a bed with him. The alcohol having produced a warming effect all throughout her body, especially her cheeks, that was only exacerbated by the touch of his hand.

Allowing him to pull her back to the steps, he stopped momentarily to adjust the thermostat, fidgeting with the numbers on the electronic dial and dropping the AC down to 60. The sound of the AC kicking on to high gear filling the home. "I like to sleep in the cold." he stated, before he began to pull her up the three flights of stairs, her free hand going on the banister for extra support as they ascended.

The familiar jingle of the door opening, they walked in meeting perked up ears from a dog who was just recently snoozing.

"Shelby!" she tugged her hand free from his, and walked over to the shepherd to give her some friendly pats and hugs.

And Then She Was Gone Where stories live. Discover now