The Domino Effect

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Be there in two hours. Can't wait
Miss you
What are you doing???
Be there in five.
Where the fuck are you?!

To say that Jason had a meltdown, would have been a massive understatement. By his fourth text going without response and his update from Chase stating that she had been lingering in the same store for about an hour, he sent the tracker in to go get her. True panic began to set in when he hadn't heard back from Chase immediately, who upon seeing her discarded clothes rapidly called to action the rest of others in the unit, notifying them that they were on red alert and needed to find her instantly. Jason knew there was a fucking problem when Marks phone began to ring, and it was Chase who was calling the beta as opposed to calling him.

By the time he descended upon the mall, the fire alarm system was already pulled. It being done by one of the members after it was determined she was not in the building and to reduce possible casualties when Jason arrived. All in total eleven people lost their lives, an amalgamation of mall administrators, unfortunate still fleeing employees, and rent a cop mall guards who Jason ripped through like a steak knife through butter. Chase had been critically injured and was found with low vital signs, but would pull through after a week laid up in the pack hospital. He would be immediately dispersed once again after his recovery to aid in the search efforts.

The news would later report  it as an act of terrorism and sensationalize the unclear story with no information and no video footage. This narrative being guided by Jacobs gentle tone to network administrators. All communication lines from the building had been cut, all video had been taken and all hard drives were either taken or destroyed.

Jason would spend the next several sleepless days scouring the footage with the analyst team. He had burned into his memory the exact moment and time she was escorted out of the shop. The path she took leading her out of the mall. The car she was placed into. All the way up until the car pulled out of the parking lot. And then she was gone. Nowhere to be found. Disappearing into thin air. Almost as if she had been a figment of his imagination.

Jacob utilized high up connections with local authorities with heavy bribing to act in quick response and step in and diffuse the crowd of shoppers and mall employees, citing that the building was not safe and they all needed to disperse. A bulletin was sent out amongst all packs citing her disappearance, the description of the woman she was with at the time of the disappearance whose identity was unknown, as the real Stacie Decanteur had turned up dead in a river, and a heavy reward for those with details that would lead to her being found. Five hundred warriors and trackers dispersed from Shaded Mountain in search of her despite there being no evidence which way she went.

Cane requested and was granted the further militarization of Shaded Mountain packs force and that of their allies surrounding Pinecrest territory who rapidly descended on the territories border as a glaring very present show of force despite the Alpha and Master Beta saying they had nothing to do with it. The Alphas son, Alex, would later be confirmed to have been inundated with an allied pack in an ambassadorial peacekeeping mission, and having not once ever left its territory.

It had been a week and a half from the event that caused the domino effect that impacted the entire lycan populous in the North American continent, word was even spread globally among foreign packs in hopes that she would be spotted. Jason and Jacob stayed within their own territorial limits monitoring the credit card for any activity, and organizing the influx of tips by likelihood of them proving fruitful as they managed a task force designed for her return. The alpha solely focused on her return at present and keeping his own sanity with that drive, knowing she was still alive out there somewhere. Also, knowing she had not left on her own volition and quickly shutting down that notion brutally with violence by those who attempted to suggest it.

And Then She Was Gone Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz