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Grief no matter how fresh it is or how long it's been, is something that takes it's toll on a person. There isn't a time limit on it. You can grieve as long as you need to. 

Everyone's journey is different. Some people don't grieve as long as other's and some never get past their grief. 

For me, Candi Roberts, my grief has been indelible. You see... four years ago I lost my husband Kane to a car accident. It wasn't my fault but I blame myself everyday. We were hit by a drunk driver as we were coming home from families house on Christmas Eve. 

Every year since that accident, Christmas hasn't been the same for me. I sit on the couch and sulk while reminiscing on memories that I shared with Kane. Sometimes even indulge in too much wine. 

I vow this year to make a change. I want to pick myself up off of the couch and try to enjoy Christmas once again. 

Second Chance Christmas {Holiday Short} ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon