9 How to fight without a fighting ability

Start from the beginning

Sampson held up his lighter, pointing its tip towards Rhys. He was already imagining how Rhys would beg for mercy once he used his core ability.

"You're dead Rhys." Sampson's thumb slid over the spark wheel and ignited the small flame. Instantly the entire alley was engulfed in a raging jet-like flame. The searing flames charred the brick walls of both sides of the allies and instantly burnt the weeds that had been growing if of the gravel ground. The roaring fire are at the two unconscious bodies lying behind Rhys as well.

[15/20 HP]

[Continued use of skill: Spiritual Body +15 Exp]

[User will lose 1 HP for every second the skill is continuously used]

The flames raged all around Rhys but he and the clothes he was wearing remained unharmed. Although the fire did not hurt him, he was still feeling intense heat that made him want to dive into a cold bath. Without a doubt, he knew that this skill was weak to fire, nevertheless, it still worked so he needed to put aside his discomfort and fight. He was actually pretty surprised at how good Sampson had gotten at controlling his ability. The last time Rhys had seen Sampson in a fight was a few months ago, but his power back then was nowhere near this level. Even though Sampson was unbearable, he was talented and hardworking, Rhys had to give him that.

The only challenge in this fight was that Rhys had fifteen seconds to defeat Sampson before his HP ran out.

[14/20 HP]

Without a second to spare, Rhys charged forward into the powerful fire jet that Sampson was manipulating out of the lighter. All the while Sampson grinned excitedly, he was anticipating seeing Rhys charred like coal.

[12/20 Hp]

In two seconds, Rhys was in front of the huge jet of flames, where Sampson was holding the lighter in his hands. His head and arms stuck out of the raging flames making him look like some strange bodiless creature. Sampson stared in horror at the sight in front of him, he had seen that Rhys could move through his friends like he was made of nothing, but he had not even dreamed of Rhys being able to get past his fire.

[11/20 HP]

In one succinct movement, Rhys did the opposite of what he had done in the military hospital when he had first used his ability. He focused on his hand, but this time released the skill only in his right hand allowing it to become a solid again. Rhys smacked the lighter out of Sampson's hand, knocking it to the floor and consequently stopping the fire jet that Sampson had been manipulating from the lighter's small flame. The alleyway no longer resembled the tail of a jet, but the two side walls were charred black from the fire, and Sampson's two friends were badly burned with smoke rising from their motionless bodies.

[10/20 HP]

Sampson looked forward in a daze at Rhys. Rhys's blue eyes never used to look this calm and controlled, they used to look anxious and frightened just like the rest of the weaklings at school. Even more alarming than Rhys's attitude, was the fact that Rhys was completely unharmed by the massive fire jet Sampson had created. The weird hospital pyjamas he was wearing weren't even a little burnt.

Sampson suddenly had a flashback to primary school when Rhys was excitedly jumping up and down and waving to the old man who always came to fetch him at the gate after school ended. They hugged warmly and then left hand in hand while Sampson sat there waiting for his mother's newest boyfriend to pick him up. Sampson knew that his stepdad would not come, but he always sat there on the curb waiting until everybody had left. He secretly hoped that one of his classmates would see him sitting there all alone and would invite him over to their house, but none ever did.

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