23 level 4

1K 82 12

[Aura detection used: dead body]

[Congratulations! 3rd experience of the main quest completed]

[Main quest: Familiarisation with death]

[3/10 death experiences completed]

[New Unique experience:

• killing someone ]

[Rewards: Calculating Rewards..]

Rhys watched as one of the medical staff held a life scanner to what was left of the guy's neck. Unlike when the device was used on gramps, the results were immediate. The black cross appeared on the display of the device and the medical team stopped what they were doing. To them, there was no point in fussing over spilt milk the boy was obviously dead so there was no point in wasting resources over him anymore. They opened up a blue portal around his body that quickly exported him somewhere, probably a morgue on campus, or if he had a family that cared for him his body would be sent back to them.

[The user took a human life by accident and therefore the user cannot be awarded the full set of awards. The user must kill someone with full intent in order to unlock all the rewards.]


+ 100 Exp
+ 3 statistic points ]

All the medical staff who had been working on the strengthener packed up their equipment and moved onto the barrier creator who also got burned in the flame tunnel. His groaning and crying showed that he was still very much alive so the medical staff got to work on healing his burns.

A few of the staff then approached Rhys. "Please show us your wounds."

Rhys offered them his blood soaked hand because it was the only place he had released his skill while he was in the fire. If he was injured his hand was the only place he could think of. One of the healers pulled out a spray bottle from his bag. He gently sprayed the bloody area with cold water to slowly reveal Rhys's fingers. The two healers in front of him glanced at each other before looking back at Rhys.

"Is this all?" They looked at the tips of Rhys's fingers that were only slightly singed. They were red and swollen from the heat, marks that would just barely be categorised as first degree burns. Rhys nodded in reply, waiting for them to heal him and then leave.

They stared at each other with furrowed eyebrows before letting their green auras seep into Rhys's fingers. They wondered how he could have so few burns with such little severity. As soon as they saw the huge flames coming from that particular match pit, the medical team had lined up outside waiting to heal trainees when their match finished. They had all sighed loudly when they saw three of the trainees practically get swallowed up by the flames, the team knew they would be spending a lot of energy on healing the students. They had seen Rhys be engulfed by flames, and yet his fingers were the only parts of his body that were burned...? They assumed that he must have some type of fire effective barrier ability.

As soon as his hand looked better they set off to go and help the other injured people.

"I'm glad you're okay. Sampson and I got a fright when that guy lunged at you." Nim murmured from behind Rhys. He was a little startled to hear her voice, but then felt a little comforted by her unassuming presence. She had big brown eyes and a really calming demeanour, even for a healer. Even though she was pretty much useless during the matches, it was somewhat nice having her around.

He wanted to say something to her. He wanted to explain to her that he didn't meant to kill that guy. But the words wouldn't come out of his mouth, because he knew that deep down he was more excited by the rewards he had received than feeling guilty for the murder he had just committed.

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