Chapter Six: EDITED

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||updated date 06.03.12|| - this book has been edited by@bsilda and re-writen.


A months after I committed suicide, I got a call from my mother, saying that my grandfather in my Chinese side had passed away, I broke down. At that time I really got close with my sister since, she did saw me jump off the roof. I ran to her room crying and she was asleep at that time. 

She woke up when I opened her door, she asked what happened and I told her the bad news and she hugged me. She never hugged me, it felt right, I like the feeling that she was giving me and I missed it as soon as when she let go. 

My mother came home early that day because we had to go and paid our respect. People looked at me like I was a ghost. I hear them whispering to one another asking who was I? It has been what? I was 15 at that time and we left when I was, 4 was it? Or 7? 9 to 11 years is it? Well ok estimation of 9 to 11 years. 

Nobody dared to talk to me and I didn’t know why. My sister didn’t want to come; she said that she’d rather remember him of how he looked like when she was young. I forgot how my grandfather looked like and I wanted to see my family, I wanted them to see me now. 

I walk side by side with my mother and my father’s cousin which was my mother’s cousin in law came up to us with her mother my mother’s auntie in law I guess. 

“Vicky? Is that you? Long time no sees” she said with joy of seeing me. 

“Huh? I’I”I stuttered, didn’t know what to say. 

“That’s Victoria, Vicky’s at home, she didn’t want to come, and she really broke down when she heard the news” 

“VICTORIA!” they both looked at me with shock like, they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Others turn to see me when my great auntie screamed my name and more and more relatives came over. 

They all kept asking if I was really Victoria, if my mother was sure I was Victoria, if she was joking about me being Victoria. God! Was it really hard to believe that I could look how I look?! Damn family that’s what they are.

A man came up to me and I was shocked to see that he really looked like Vicky but old guy version. And right then I knew how he was. He was my father and I felt range come up to me. And I walk away from him but he called out for me. 

“Victoria, wait. Please can we talk?” I didn’t want to turn, I hated him, and I never wanted to see his face! How dare he want to talk! He never fought for me; he just let us leave that was what my mother told me. 

“I’m sorry but I have nothing to say to you” I walk to the back of a house and played with my uncle’s dog. My uncle had a giant Schnauzer. We were all gathered at my uncle’s house, my father’s younger brother since my grandfather apparently lived here. 

I didn’t know that my father had followed me to the back until he spoke up. “I’m sorry” I turn to see he was only a few feet away. 

“Well I’m sorry to but I don’t need to hear this, you lost your chance 15 years ago. Last I hear my mother gave you one chance to make things right and you didn’t care. You lost the chance with me when you let her leave! Now leave me alone! I am not your daughter I don’t have a father, I only grew up with a mother, a sister and a dozen maids! I don’t need a man in this family so thanks for trying but buzz off, Mr.” 

“At least call me dad” 

“NEVER!” I walk back in to find my mother but someone pulled me into a room. It was an office, my uncle’s office; he was a business man and a very good one. And it was he who pulled me. 

“Take a sit, Vicky” he pointed at the chair. 

“It’s Victoria” I glared. 

“Ohhh, sorry I thought you were-“I cut him off. 

“Never mind, what do you want?”I hiss.  

“It’s been years, Victoria and I didn’t see you grew up, you didn’t except me to know right?” 

“Get on with it, uncle” 

“I heard what you said to your father and it wasn’t very nice, you should have give him a-“ 

“Don’t, you don’t know me! You don’t know what I’ve been through or the shit I have done! You and all the people out there are all fake! All you guys think about is money money ohh and I almost forgot! MONEY! You don’t have the right to tell me what to do with my father because, need I remind you that you all disowned him! When he lost everything! Did any of you help him? NO!”

“Victoria” he tried to calm me down. 

“No! You people are hypocrites! God my whole family is a hypocrite! The only reason you called us was because my grandfather died! One day! I swear! One day this world is going to end, I would love to see you all run for your money instead of your family! And when you realize that your money won’t help you, you will run for your family but by that time, it would be too late!” 

I turned to see that the door was opened and I knew everybody heard me. Everybody looked at me in shock why were they so scared? I didn’t know. I found my mother outside with her cousin in law and I knew she heard everything too. 

We drove home in silence and she told me that we have to go there again tomorrow and the day after that they’ll burry him. The next day my sister still didn’t want to come and so I had to go with my mother again. 

My family still looked at me with fear in their eyes, I didn’t know why until I saw the huge portrayed hanging on the wall. There was a man and a woman and three kids, two boys and a girl. The woman in the panting looked so familiar.

“That’s your grandmother” A voice said from behind me.

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