Chapter Twelve: EDITED

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||updated date 06.03.12|| - this book has been edited by@bsilda and re-writen.


The date today is November first 2008 and I am 16 and I am currently lying on my death bed when I write this. My mother is sleeping beside me on her chair and everybody is here and I mean everybody and I’m smiling now as I said to myself. 

“Finally I did what I have been trying to do for a very long time, I brought my family together” 

You see I always told myself that the day I die, will be the day my family will realize that family is what’s important and I’ll bring them together, I guess I was like my grandmother, everything I say will come true. 

I want my story to be heard that’s why I’m righting this and you know maybe it just take one live to save a million out there and maybe it just took my life and my story to save those people out there with problems like mine. 

I know it’s finally time for me so I should stop I could feel it now, goodbye.”




“Hello, my name is Hanna and I am Victoria’s best friend and I have just read the story of my best friend, I know this isn’t the time for this but when is? When are you going to get together again like his? Victoria told me to tell her story and what happen after she wrote, I was there when she died I was there when the beeping turned into a long on” 

“When she died, her mother finally let her tears fall and like Victoria said it would be a little too late. Before we burry Victory she wanted me to tell you the things she planned to do with her inheritance” 

“First, every two million will be donated to every foundation that had prevents bullying, like be a start foundation”

“Second, five million will be donated to any foundation that is trying to find a cure for cancer or breast cancer” 

“Third, her land will be given equally to her cousins and sister” 

“Fourth, the business will be given to her uncle and mother” 

“Fifth, all her house will be turn into a shelter for the homeless” 

“Last and the only thing she will ask as her death wish is for all of you to be together as a family. She loves you all, no matter what you people did to her, she fight and fight but in the end she died because she wasn’t strong enough. Thank you” 

I got down the stand and went for my seat; I remembered the piece of paper Victoria had given me the other day, she told me to open it if she ever dies. I took out the paper from my bag and read it.

Hanna, my dear best friend, I just wanted you to know that I envy you so much, I wish I was you right now and she how my family will be finally be together but I can’t. I wish I lived, I wish that I could have stand side by side with you and scream to the world that, we survive but I didn’t and you did, so live your life because you deserve it, don’t let anyone bring you down. You’re pretty and smart and you know it! So fight! Fight for me and everyone like us.

They killed me Hanna because I wasn’t strong enough.


if you have notice from the chapter one the begin of the paragraph i have put  " before i wrote to show that Hanna was reading.

I Died Because I Wasn't Strong Enough.Where stories live. Discover now