Chapter One: EDITED

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||updated date 06.03.12|| - this book has been edited by@bsilda and re-writen.


Reads have been confuse because i had a lot of error before the edited version :) please read till the end and you will understand, comment if you don't get anything :)


"My name is Victoria West and I was 17 when I died. I know what you all are thinking “she’s dead but how is she writing this?” I have always thought 10 steps ahead before I do something. You see before I died I decided to write a book and I hope that it would be publish and no, it’s not because I want to humiliate my family but because I want people to know my story and I know out there, there are girls that are like me and so here is the story of how I died because I wasn’t strong enough or you can say how they killed me. 

I was only 3 months when it all happened but first I want to tell you guys something about my family. I am half a Chinese and where I came from all the Chinese people are filthy rich!!!! And my family isn’t anywhere different from the others. So here it goes. 

Three months after I was born my mother decided to bring me and my sister away, away from all this, away from the madness and she tried and tried and finally she did, I guess you can say we can know celebrate, huh? 

But not for my father I guess, my father was rich, all his relatives are rich and all so blinded by what you call that? Love? No, that’s not what they are blinded by, I wouldn’t be writing this is it was, I would be a happy go lucky girl with a boyfriend and maybe a family in a few years but no.

So, when my mother felt is then my father realize everything and he ended up falling or crumbling, I guess, and he lost everything. He lost my mom, my sister and I and he lost all his money and things. 

The minutes he fell you would think his family would help and all but no they all turn their backs on him only because he wasn’t RICH!

Yeah you read it right. RICH!! I know how cruel but yeah that family for you, I know, I know, I have the best family ever, right? Well don’t worry I don’t brag. 

After my mother ran, she went back to her family and they welcome us with open arms. My grandmother and grandfather and their siblings went after us because they “love us” if I were speaking right now, you could hear the sarcastic in my voice.

My mother didn’t want anything to do with them and she doesn’t want her children to grow up to be like them, I don’t even think they could be classified as humans, come on people, to be a human, you need to have humanity, hence the word human in humanity.

My mother had NOTHING, she wasn’t rich, all she had was us and so she did everything on her own  to rise us and because of that I look up to her. My mother? Was everything I dream of being she looked at the world like a fairytale only because she had us.

In time my mother met many rich people and they all envy her because by the time I was 5 my mother was rich not filthy rich but rich enough to give us what we want. She works as a contractor and a very well known one in the country. 

I love everything I had and I was grateful, I never complained about not having a father and all. In fact I was scared of my father, my mother would tell me stories about how he cheated and she still stayed because she wanted us to grow up having a father, when my sister was born my dad went looking at other chicks ass and one day the bitch had the nerve to come to the house and even bring her son and said that he belong to my dad.

THE HELL!! But at the end they found out he wasn’t and my mother kept strong and stayed because she was pregnant with me at the time. And my father would hit her and all but she still stood strong, now you tell me, are you strong enough? Would you stand your ground? Think about it, and when you’re done you’ll understand the love I had for here was as strong as superman but you see, superman had kryptonite. My father’s side of the family know very well how strong my mother is and I think that, that is why people think I am strong, well they thought wrong. 

The things me and my sister heard was enough to not even what to know who my father was. But I remember something, my father? He would try and find us and we would have to move and move and move. Once, he found out where we went to school and he had force the registration to tell him where we lived but they didn’t. And so he just waited

And then one day the door was bang hard, my sister and I was scared because we didn’t know who the man was and at that time my mother was at work and we had maid to take care of us. The maid got scared and called my mother and my mom came home and they fought. My sister was only 5 and she had called the police saying that, there was a scary man outside fighting with our mother. 

2 minutes later a police car came up and the police man had stop the fight between my mother and the man and said that there was a little girl that called.

My sister ran to my mother side saying “that man was evil” and she pointing at my father. I saw the sadness in his eyes when my sister said it, I actually felt sorry. After the policeman left my mother told us who the man was. 

Years pass before I saw my father again, he showed up at our house a few years after we move from our old house. My mother called Mr. Kim, he was a very wealthy man and he is old. My mother worked for him and he saw how hard working my mother was and he helped her to take care of us. We look at him as a grandfather and my mother love him like a father. My mother’s father died before I even get to meet him, I mean I did meet him I guess, but I was a baby and I don’t remember anything.

My sister and I loved it when Mr. Kim came to the house he would bring presents and when we were asleep he would go into our rooms and pull our feet. And when we didn’t want to get up he would say “I’ll give you 10 bucks to get up” and DING! We were wide awake. I know what you’re thinking. And no money wasn’t everything to us; I mean come on tell me if there is any kid that when offered money they wouldn’t take it? Yeah I thought so. 

I remember Mr. Kim tried to adopt me b cause he didn’t have any daughters only 3 sons and they weren’t married at the time so no grandchildren too. But I love my mother so much to leave. Now that I’m old I barely meet him anymore he is always flight back to Korea that is where his family is and yes he is a Korean, but every birthdays and Christmas and Chinese New Year he would give me and my sister 100 buck each! And so yeah we really love him.

I Died Because I Wasn't Strong Enough.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora