If i Ever Fall in Love

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There you were getting ready to leave your house to catch your flight to England. Your father had gotten a better job offer there which would bring in more money than he had now so you had no choice but to go.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." Shoto Todoroki said as your shoulder became increasingly more wet with a few tears. "It's okay! H-hopefully I can come back for highschool or college!" You said as you began to tear up. You were in fifth grade about to leave your best friend and who you believed to be the love of your life. "When i come back let's date and get married!" You whispered in his ear. "Okay let's do it!" He said lifting his head off of your shoulder. "Pinky promise?" You asked holding out your pinky. "Pinky promise!" He said hooking them together. "Oh also I got you this...it matches mine." He said holding out a purple bracelet made out of yarn that matched his red one. "I love it!" You screamed giving him a hug. "Okay lovebirds let me say goodbye! He was my friend first!" Your big brother who was a year older than you called. As they said their goodbyes your whole relationship with Todoroki flashed before your eyes and your chest began to feel heavy.

"Woah can I touch it!" We're the first words you ever said to him, at age 5, while reaching for his eye as he sat in silence on your brother Kei's bed. He was your older brothers friend but they mainly just played around with their quirks and played videogames. You held his cheek in the palm of your tiny hand and ran your thumb over the scar. "It's so pretty." You whispered. "Really?" A six year old Todoroki asked. "Of course!" You replied giving his eye a small peck. "My mommy says to kiss booboo's to make them feel better, do you feel better?" You asked him. "No." He replied honestly. And from there you became inseparable growing closer than him and your brother.

Todoroki was a year older than you so he always felt the need to protect you causing you to develop a small crush on him that soon grew larger and larger as time went on. He would always take small breaks from playing with your brother to check on you and talk to you, at school you guys set a specific time to leave the class everyday and talk to each other, and he was you first kiss. You told him you were moving last month and he softly pecked your lips in an effort to make you stay. Oh how you wanted to but you couldn't. He was the only person that ever made you feel accepted and safe. You got bullied for your hair texture and the amazing braided styles you would do. People often would say things about you because you were half japanese and half jamaican but Todoroki was always there to tell you that you shouldn't worry about what they say and he would stick up for you.

"Y/n m/n l/n can you not hear me calling your name?" Your mother said grabbing your arm to which you flinched snapping out of your daydream. "Oh stop acting scared. It's time to leave. Tell shoto goodbye and let's get going." She said sternly to you. "Oh Kei sweetly tell shoto goodbye we are leaving!" She said sweetly to your brother. She had always been biased because your brother inherited her quirk and you had your grandmothers quirk. Your mother always wanted to be like your grandmother but when she did not develop her mother's quirk she was seen as the disappointment of the family and she despised you for inheriting hypnotism. "Goodbye sho sho. Don't close yourself off. Actually allow people to get to know the shoto I know okay?" You said with tears brimming your eyes. "I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Please don't let it affect you." He whispered in your ear as he hugged you. "BY SHOTO!" Your brother called waving as he ran to get to the car. "Never forget me..." you said walking to the car leaving shoto standing in the doorway of a house he once called his second home.

⚠️TW: Controlling Behavior! Harsh Words!⚠️
It has now been 6 years since you had seen Shoto Todoroki. You were nearing the end of your third year and you were bored at the school you attended. Boys drooled over you constantly and would often try and get with you but your heart longed for shoto. You were in a relationship but he was very controlling, controlling what you wear who you talk to and even getting mad when you would talk to any other boys. "How can you not do anything right y/n! You're dressing like a s!ut so all these boys can look at what's mine! Your mom is right to hate you!" He shouted from the top of his lungs in the school hallway upset that you were wearing a crop top. This caught the attention of many people but they brushed it off. "Really Will? What a fucking low blow!" You said as hot tears began to roll down your face. "Oh baby I didn't mean it please!" He said as you began to walk away. "Dont call me your baby. I don't even know why i settled for a piece of shit like you for the past three years!" You replied walking away, taking out your phone to delete his number and social media. You contemplated your belonging often. Did everyone hate you? We're you not enough? Oh how you missed Shoto and how he would tell you it would all be okay. It didn't matter though you had a show to get ready for.

"INTRODUCING SOLITUDE(sorry if it's cringy)! THEY WILL BE PLAYING THEIR NEWEST HIT CALLED FEMALE ENERGY, PT. 2(I will be using real songs cause I can't come up with lyrics💀)! TAKE IT AWAY GUYS!" The announcer said as your melanin skin glistened under the fluorescent lights of the stage. Your hair was freshly done in waist length butterfly locks paired with some gold clips. You were wearing baggy jeans the had rips in them, a white cropped top that gave a sneak peek of your pierced nipples and the obsidian jordan ones paired with gold necklaces, some large hoops, and some glasses in the shape of flames on one side and ice on the other(Shoto tribute of course). You had a lot of money from being a secret music sensation so you often bought shoes and clothes to take your mind off of the shit situation you lived in, atleast you had your dad and brother on your side though, shouldn't that be enough? It wasn't. But you put it into your music.

Todoroki's POV:

"TURN ON THE TV GUYS THIS UNDERGROUND SINGER GIRL I REALLY LIKE IS PERFORMING NATIONALLY TONIGHT!" Mina screamed from the common room. I often stay in my room but something told me to join the others and watch the performance. The guitar and base began to play in the silent audience. "Oh and I'm falling into to the arms of naked truth..." she started. The girl singing looked so familiar. "Not surprised to see the sky and only think of you." She continued on. It was mesmerizing. She wore glasses so I couldn't see her eyes but for some reason she called to me, the glasses were pretty cool they reminded me of my quirks. Her energy seems so familiar. "Tell me how am I to feel, TELL ME HOW!" She sang bending her body to get a full sound and gripped the microphone singing loudly. That's when i saw it...the purple yarn bracelet i made all those years ago to match my red one.

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