Separation Anxiety

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A lot has happened since you graduated highschool. You spent the whole summer by Mina, Kirishima, Sero, Denki, Bakugo, Kai, and Todoroki's side. The eight of you went up to Todoroki's family beach house and stayed there for the whole summer. Every day was a new adventure with jet skis or electric scooters! You guys did it all. Endless new foods and ice cream and don't forget the alcoholic beverages that tasted heavenly! You all really lived it up but at last it was time to head off to college...

"Baby." Todoroki said just barely above a whisper. "Just a few more minutes. I don't wanna go just yet." You groaned quietly nuzzling yourself deeper into his chest. "I already packed all of our stuff up and everyone is waiting in the car." He started. "I just want to know if you want a hoodie or your t-shirt before i carry you to the car." "Hoodie." You mumbled lazily kissing his lips.

He slowly and carefully slid the hoodie on before fixing your bonnet that had slid down. "Alright pretty girl let's go." Shoto spoke carrying you to the car and setting you on his lap in the third row of the large van that you all had rented. "I don't even wanna go back!" Mina groaned with a slight pouty face. "Stop being a fucking baby." Bakugo grumbled although he too was visibly upset. You glanced in Shotos direction trying to take in every moment you had left with him.

"We'll be okay baby. Don't worry." He whispered in your ear giving you a kiss on your cheek. All you could do was take on his warmth against your body as you looked out of the window. Kiri's hand lightly rested atop of Bakugo's as the blonde boy held back his tears knowing this was everyone's last day together. Different colleges, new people, everyone and everything you all worked towards together was going to disappear within the next few hours.

"We're here everyone." Kei sighed taking the key out of the car. Everyone's face dropped as the car ride was finally over. "Whelp. To new beginnings I guess." You mumbled opening the door and hopping out. Everyone followed your lead taking their luggage out and staring up at the busy train station. "Our train is this way." Bakugo whispered to Kiri taking his hand yet again to calm his nerves. "I love you all. Every last one of you dipshits." He mumbled.

"King murder everyone is being nice right now? I love this moment." You giggled running over to him and hugging him tightly. A little squeeze to his butt was added for flavor. "GET THE FUCK-" he yelled with a small smile. "Bye my big booty little sis." Kiri frowned pulling you into a hug. "Awe all of my boys leaving to the same college. I'm so happy for all of you." You smiled hiding your true feelings. You wanted to stay together, all of you, but it was for the best.

"Train to Keio Station departs in 10 minutes, i repeat, Train to Keio Station departs in 10 minutes. Please make your way to the platform." You all heard over the loud speakers. Denki and Sero hugged you and gave you some affirming words but seeing Shoto broke your heart. His face remained in a small smirk which made everyone worry more than if he just had his normal straight expression. "Bae." You whispered looking at him. "Bye mina." "Bye todo!" She hugged him quickly pulling away to go hug her other boys.

"I'm gonna try my best for you." He whispered. "We got this baby. I'll come see you on weekends!" You smiled kissing his lips. "You'll be busy with school. Focus on that okay? I'll call you every night but really focus okay?" He whispered taking in the last of your warmth. "Okay. You focus so hard to make me happy. I'll do the same from university. Nothings gonna change." You whispered kissing him. But oh you couldn't be more wrong, everything was about to change. You. Him. Everyone. Everything. No exceptions.

"Damn is she knew?" You heard a boy whisper. "Got to be a freshie because i didn't see her last year." The other boy whispered. You decided to toy with them for fun so you headed in their direction, dragging Mina with you. Something about them reminded you slightly of how Denki and Sero acted. "Um excuse me." You said politely. "Could you show us to the deans office?" "Of course, we gotchu!" He spoke. "Im Chase and this is  Akira." The boy spoke.

Chase was gorgeous as well as Akira. Akira was one of those Japanese tiktok looking boys that you knew girls at this school probably fiend over. He had dark floppy hair and an amazing jawline. Akira dressed in street wear with a hint of alt. Chase on the other hand was a beautiful brown boy with dreads that came down to his neck with half up into a little bun, eren jaegar style. He dressed like a grungy boy that wanted to be comfortable in some grey sweats at all times.

"We're y/n and Mina." You spoke. "Which is which?" Akira quietly asked. "I guess you'll never know." Mina giggled as you finally arrived to the deans office. "Thanks guys!" You both spoke walking up to the office. After being assigned dorms you and mina set out to find it. "Oh shit here it is!" She spoke using her key card up unlock the door. You both walked in and two beds were pushed up against oposite walls. A small microwave was placed in the entry hallway as well as a mini fridge. "It's so white and clean in here." You spoke.

All that clouded your mind was you and Shotos comfortable dorm that made you feel safe, at home if you will. "I miss my dorm at ua." Mina spoke quietly. "No no not to say I don't want to dorm with you!" "It's fine mina i miss my dorm too." You spoke sitting on the bed. "Well shit i don't miss those hard ass ua beds though! These are soo comfortable." You spoke sí king into the memory foam bed, spread out like a starfish. "Let's go shopping for stuff to make this room comfy!" Mina popped up staring her idea. "Let's do it!" You spoke grabbing your train card and key for the room before heading out.

Todorokis POV:

"Bro he's so quiet without her, I forgot this is how he actually is." Denki whispered loudly to Sero. I shot them both death stares but it was just too much energy to even say anything back. "Sir your stare is intense!" Some girl giggled from beside me on the train. I looked over to see a tall model like woman with blushed cheeks looking at me. Her straight brown hair fell to her back and she smiled so brightly at me. I have no clue what's making her so happy but it's quite annoying. "I guess." I replied not wanting to speak. I opened my phone and texted y/n immediately.

< 30 Pipsqueak

me: baby im already tired of this dumb shit
pipsqueak: i miss you too love, maybe do something when you get there
me: bet, catching a train to you when we arrive
pipsqueak: boy you know that's not what i mean 🙄
pipsqueak: im shopping with Mina for our room rn, ill FaceTime you when we get back
pipsqueak: gotta give her some attention too, you'll be okay bb I promise <3
me: mmcht fine

It sucks when she is busy, i just want all of her attention to myself. It might be selfish but she means the world to me and I crave her every second of the day. Ew I sound creepy, let me just take a nap. "Please take all of your belongings as you exit the train. Thank you for riding, we have arrived!" Well fuck that was interrupted. "Let's go get dorms bro!" Kiri jumped up. Everyone was excited but I couldn't enjoy anything. Change needs to be made and it needs to happen now.

< 30 🖕🏻

me: father i need to ask a favor of you. may we speak about this in person ?
🖕🏻: If it's about tokyo university I don't want to hear it. You weren't good enough to make it in and I won't pull any strings.
me: i mean think about your reputation...number one hero's son doesn't go to the best college in all of japan? sounds sad to me.
🖕🏻: Come to my office tomorrow at noon. We can discuss further. Don't waste my time ever again Shoto.

Authors note 🥸: DID YOU GUYS MISS THIS STORY OR WHATTTT?!?!?! anyways hi everyone im bringing this story back. this was such a short chapter but I just needed to set up what was going to come next in the story. maybe even a little drama will come who knows ;) anyways as always my dms are open forever and always!

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