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"You did amazing!" I laugh loudly as Juan walks off the stage an hour and a half later.

He smiles as he jogs over to me. "Yeah? Thanks." he chuckles breathlessly.

"Yeah, that was awesome!" I nod.

He's shirtless, again, and I can't help but stare at his deliciously glistening abs. "Like what you see?" he smirks.

I scoff. "Oh, whatever. I've seen you checking out my cleavage at least half a dozen times tonight. And I've only physically been in front of you for about a total of fifteen minutes." I cross my arms over my chest.

He laughs loudly. "Fair enough." nodding, his eyes flicker back to my chest for a split second.

"Exactly." I smirk.

"Alright, well just let me get showered and changed really quick and then we can go out for like, a drink or something? Have you eaten yet?"

I shake my head. "No, I haven't."

"Alright, we'll figure it out in a bit." he nods, turning to walk away. "You can wait for me in that same room." he says, pointing towards the room he was getting ready in not that long ago.

I nod. "Okay."

"Unless you wanna join me for a shower." he jokes, smirking.

I smile, rolling my eyes. "You wish."

- - - -

"I seriously loved your show, Juan." I nod, smiling. After Juan showered and got dressed, we left the arena in his own car and came to this huge club in LA, and of course with just the drop of his name, we were taken up to a 'VIP' area that was much quieter. It made it a lot easier for us to talk while still having the chill ambiance of the music from the dance floor
below us.

He smiles. "Thanks. I'm glad you did. I saw you in the front row with the biggest smile on your face. It made me happy." aww

"Besides doing all this," I gesture around us. "what's your favorite thing to do?"

He nods, not taking very long to come up with his family. "Visit my family in Colombia. They're definitely the root of all my happiness. None of this matters to me if I cant share it with the people I love." he shrugs.

"That's really sweet." I smile. God, I'm swooning so hard right now.

He chuckles. "What about you? I'm assuming the root of all your happiness is your daughter?"

"Definitely." I nod, missing my baby just at the mention of her. "She's my everything. I never knew what true love was until I had her." I laugh a little, shrugging.

"That's beautiful." he looks at me, nodding. "I dream of the day I can have a love like that. Between a father and his child, I mean." he chuckles lightly.

I perk up. "Yeah? You want kids?" I ask.

"Enough to make my own little soccer team." he laughs. "Do you want any more?"

I shrug. "I don't think I need another baby, but I wouldn't be opposed to it. I'm content with Bella, but if it were to happen, I wouldn't be mad about it." I smile. "Of course, I would only be open to the possibility of it happening with someone I'm in a serious relationship with." I laugh, taking a sip of my drink. "Not letting that happen again."

"Smart move." he chuckles, nodding. "What's it like though? Being a single parent."

I look at him for a few seconds, stumped. "That's a really good question." I laugh. "It's...pretty hard, if I'm being honest." I nod slowly. He nods, listening intently. "She's a really good kid, but she also has her days of being a little brat where I wish I could just strangle her." Juan chuckles, nodding again. "And on those days...I feel completely helpless."


I nod. "Helpless because I don't know what to do with her or how to fix the situation. Helpless because its just her and I in the apartment and I cant just ask him for help with her, I cant just be like 'Here, you figure it out. I need a break.', because that's what he left me with." I stop, feeling my head beginning to pound from the anger that's building up inside me. I don't think I've ever expressed to anyone how angry I am with him... "Helpless." I shrug.

"That sounds incredibly frustrating." he frowns.

I laugh humorlessly, nodding. "It is. I hate feeling like that more than anything in this world. She'll throw a tantrum, and it takes my all to not just crawl up in the corner and ball my eyes out." I shrug.

"Shit, I'm so sorry." he rests a hand on my shoulder, running it up and down my arms.

I smile. "Thanks. I just know I'm all she has, and I cant just walk away whenever I feel like it, you know?"

"Yeah, I get it." he nods, taking his hand off of me, and I immediately miss his touch. "Well whenever you feel like you need a little break, I'm just one phone call away." he smiles. "Taking little breaks is healthy."

I nod. "Yeah, I've been told that ever since Bella was born from everyone. I think I'm finally gonna listen to everyone about that one." I laugh.

"You should." he chuckles.

I smile, nodding. "Tonight was a good little 'break', but I think we should get going." I laugh.

He nods, standing from his stool quickly. "Yeah, of course. You stayed out a lot longer than I thought you would, actually." he laughs.

"What time is it, anyway?" I look down at my phone to see its just shy of one in the morning. "Woah, I did stay out later than usual." I laugh, agreeing.

Juan pays for the drinks we had, which weren't many. I had two drinks and Juan only had one because he has to drive home. "Am I taking you to your apartment, or...?"

I shake my head. "My moms house. I'm spending the night there." I shrug.

"Alright." he nods.

We ride in comfortable silence the twenty minutes that it takes to get to the house. "Can you just...park a few houses away from the actual house?" I ask, laughing a little. He gives me a look of confusion, doing so. "She doesn't know I'm on a date. Thinks I'm just out with a friend. She would've been over the moon if she knew I were on a date, and I wouldn't have heard the end of all the questions." I smile, rolling my eyes.

"Ohh." he nods, understanding. "Got it." he chuckles.

I nod. "Yeah.." I unbuckle myself slowly. "I actually had a lot of fun. Thanks for tonight."

"No problem. I had a lot of fun too." he smiles. He unbuckles himself as well, stretching over to plant a kiss on my cheek. Without much thought to it, I turn my head, making his lips touch my own instead of the skin on my cheek. The kiss is quick and light, and he pulls away immediately, probably taken aback by the suddenness of it. We both stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds, confused by what just happened. He smiles, bringing his lips down onto mine again, only firmer this time. I rest my hand on his jaw, pulling back slowly when he tried to deepen the kiss. "Does this mean there'll be another date?" he smiles, pulling away after a few seconds.

I nod, laughing. "There might be." I kiss him once more before opening the door. "Goodnight." I smile, waving before stepping out of the car.

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