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"I'm outside." I tell Heidi before hanging up. I just dropped off Bella at my moms house and was now waiting outside of Heidi's place. "Hey." I smile once she gets into the car.

"Well don't you look hot." she nudges me playfully.

I shake my head. "So where are we going?" I ask her, beginning to drive out of the parking lot.

She waves her hand dismissively, pulling a lipstick out of her purse. "I'll tell you when to turn. Don't worry."

"Okay then..." I say slowly.

- - - -

"You look miserable." Heidi laughs, taking a seat next to me at the bar. Heidi gave me the directions to one of the most popular clubs in LA, and its safe to say that me and the loud music were not mixing well together. I'd had a few drinks but not even those could help me loosen up.

I shrug. "I've had better times."

"Why aren't you having fun?" she frowns.

"It's so loud in here. My head hurts. I'm tired."

She sighs. "Lets just go then. We can go see what places are open right now. Have dinner or something." she nods, smiling.

"Really? You're okay with doing that?" I ask, perking up.

"Of course." she stands. "Let's go." taking my hand, she begins leading me out of the club.

We drive over to a restaurant that's right across from the club and decide to eat there. "This is much better." I smile, scooting into our booth.

She laughs, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, whatever. I have to remember that you're an eighty year old woman trapped in a hot twenty-one year old's body."

I gasp lightly, kind of offended. "I am not!"

"You're twenty-one! This should be your year to party. You know, with being able to drink legally and all." she exclaims.

"Yeah, but life had different plans for me." I shrug. "I had Bella instead."

"How old were you when you got pregnant anyway?" she asks. Heidi and I have been friends for a few months now, but she just knows the basics about my whole situation with Bella. We've definitely gotten closer in more recent weeks than we used to be though. She met Bella just a few days ago when I invited her over for dinner. It's safe to say that Bella is a huge fan of hers.

"I was eighteen. Had her the night after my nineteenth birthday." I smile.

Her eyes widen. "Eighteen? I cant imagine becoming a mother at such a young age." she shakes her head.

I nod. "Yeah, it was pretty terrifying. Especially when I learned that I'd be doing it on my own..."

"So her dad really isn't in the picture at all?" she asks with a small frown.

"Nope." I shake my head. "We were together up until I was like..." I think for a moment. "three months pregnant? I really wasn't even showing all that much yet."

"Wow. And he just left because...because he felt like it?"

"Pretty much." my lips form a tight line as I nod. "He had me thinking we were gonna do this together, that we were going to bring a child into this world together. And then he just woke up one day and decided he wasn't ready to be a dad yet."

"What an asshole." she scoffs, shaking her head.

I nod. "That he was." Dylan was just a guy I had been dating for a few months before I got pregnant. We went to High School together, but never spoke, just passed each other in the halls. It was at a graduation party that things really sparked between us. He was drop dead gorgeous, with insanely beautiful piercing green eyes, dirty blonde hair, and an incredibly contagious smile. His athletic six foot figure towered over my five foot four body which is something I always loved about him. It made me feel safe and secure with him. Yeah, it was pretty easy to fall in love with both his looks and personality. Which is why I did so easily. When I told him I was pregnant, he took it really well. Said he loved me and we'd figure it out somehow. And then as the weeks went on, he just became less and less interested in anything that had to do with the baby. He eventually told me that he had other things to worry about, his future being that main 'thing'. He wanted to go to college, become something in life, our baby and I were in the way of that. I was completely heartbroken at first, I didn't know what to do with myself, but as time went on I got better. Finding out I was having a baby girl was really my wake up call. I was having a daughter, and I had to raise her to be an amazing human being with or without Dylan. He's barely crossed my mind ever since.

"Where is he now?" she asks.

I shrug. "Don't know. Probably off at some fancy university building a future for himself. He wanted to become a doctor."

"Was he your first boyfriend?" she asks.

I shake my head. "No, I had boyfriends all throughout high school. They were always just short relationships though, nothing serious. He was the first one I really...loved, I guess you can say?" I shrug.

"Was he the first guy you had sex with?"

I nod. "Yeah, he was my first. And last."

Her eyes widen. "You haven't-" I shake my head, not even letting her finish her sentence. "Wow." she sits back in her seat. "Why? It's been almost three years!"

"I take sex super seriously now. I'm not just gonna have sex with anybody now. I've seen what it can do to your life. Getting pregnant could've completely ruined my life. I didn't let it ruin my life, but it could have. My daughter is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I don't regret having her at all, but I also understand how different my life is now that I have her. And how different it could've been without her." I shrug. "I just realize now that I really have to trust the next person I'm with. Sex is fun and all, but its also a big responsibility."

She nods, looking at me as if I've just given her the secret of life. "I totally get that. Wow. I have a lot more respect for you now then I did before."

I laugh lightly. "Thanks I think?"

"You're really mature for having that thinking. Most people don't even think twice about who they're getting in bed with."

I nod. "Yeah, well it takes going through something like I did to learn your lesson." I laugh. "Had I not gotten pregnant, I probably would've gone on having sex with just about anybody."

We talk about work and things of that sort until our food arrives. "So-" I look up to a huge flat screen tv that's playing music included with the videos and practically jump out of my seat when I see him on the screen.

Till The EndTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang