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"You sure you're okay?" asks Heidi as we walk out of the restaurant and towards our cars.

I nod slowly, looking down at the ground. "I think so. I don't know, I mean, I'm super bummbed out about it." I shrug, looking back up at her. "I will be."

"Good." she smiles. "Do you think we'll see him around here anytime soon?" she asks, laughing.

I shake my head. "I hope not. I just...don't ever want to see him again. I just want to forget that him and I ever met."


I sigh loudly. "It's easier that way. I had the best time ever with him, and I actually really like him, but it's not gonna work out. I would just rather forget it ever happened."

"There's no way you're gonna forget dating someone like him." she laughs, shaking her head.

I glare at her. "Shut. Up."

"I'm sorry, but it's true!" she exclaims. "Do you seriously think you'll be able to forget about him and this whole thing?"

I stare at her for a few moments, shrugging. "I don't know. I don't wanna talk about it anymore, I have to go pick up Bella from my moms. It's almost one in the morning already, I gotta go. Thank you for waiting for me." I give her a small smile.

"No problem." she smiles.

We say goodbye and each head to our own cars.

- - - -

On the drive back home after picking up Bella, we pass by the restaurant Juan and I had dinner at last night, and that's all it takes for the tears to slowly begin falling. I shake my head, looking away quickly. Of course the first guy I date after Dylan has to be absolutely perfect for me, except for one deal breaking factor. The tears continue as I carry a sleeping Bella all the way up the stairs and into our apartment. Out of fear of her waking up, I simply set my purse and her bag on the counter top and move to the couch, taking a seat carefully. Her head rests on my chest, her arms limb at her side, and I can't help but wrap my arms around her gently, resting my head on hers.

I immediately feel a wave of comfort as her arms tighten around me as well which just leads to even more crying. She wakes up slowly a few seconds later, moving her head, she looks up at me, confused. "Hi, baby." I smile, wiping my tears quickly.

"Mommy crying?" she asks after a few moments, placing both of her small hands on either side of my face.

I shake my head, letting out a small laugh. "No, no. It's okay." a few more tears fall, betraying my last sentence and I quickly wipe them away. "Let's go to sleep." I smile, sitting up and taking her with me.

I pull back the covers and set her on my bed and she nods, laying her head on one of my pillows. "You're sleeping with mommy tonight." I whisper, tucking her in tightly. She's clearly still half asleep, and I appreciate that she's asleep again by the time I've changed into my pajamas. I crawl under the covers quietly, not bothering to take my makeup off or even go to the bathroom at all for that matter. I turn off the light on my side table, pulling her close to my body before closing my eyes.

- - - -

"How are you feeling?" asks Heidi with a sad smile as we walk into work together the next evening.

I shrug, kicking a pebble that I see on the pavement. "Fine."

"Okay..." she nods, neither of us believing my statement.

We walk in through the back door and I'm immediately greeted by Rachel. "You're dating Maluma?!" she asks, yanking me to the corner of the break room. Heidi walks over to her locker, pretending she's not listening.

"Uh-" I look at her, kind of caught off guard. "No."

She rolls her eyes. "Then what were all those pictures about?"

"Oh." my eyes widen as I remember that other people actually saw those pictures. I'm not too worried about that though. The pictures are pretty shitty, probably from fans who were freaking out as they took the shots, and unless you personally know me, nobody would even look at me and think I'm the girl in the pictures. "No, we're not dating."

She doesn't believe me. "Then why-"

"It's not really any of your business, Rachel." I say, beginning to walk to my locker, opening it.

She follows closely behind me. "So..." I ignore her as I begin to put my hair up in a clip. "you guys are dating?"

"No." I snap, slamming my locker shut once I've put my purse into it. "We are not dating." I look over at her, beyond annoyed. "Never were, never will. It was nothing. Please don't bring it up again."

I begin walking away, towards the kitchen when she speaks again. "I hope whatever little thing you guys had doesn't affect his coming here." I continue walking. "You know he's one of our biggest and most famous clients!" she shouts out after me.

I roll my ryes. "He knows he's welcome to stop by anytime." I reply, walking out of the break room, leaving her and Heidi alone.

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