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"Ximena Perez."

I slide my ID over to the receptionist at Juan's apartment complex. I dropped Bella off with my parents, giving them the excuse that I'd spontaniously decided to go out with Heidi tonight. Dad believed me easily...Mom not so much. They took her in with open arms anyway and said they'd see me tomorrow morning.

"I'll have to call up to his penthouse." the bitchy receptionist says, still examining my ID as if it doesn't cleary state that I'm Ximena Perez. I was here a dozen times over the month Juan and I were dating, so I know this girl recognizes me, she's just trying to make things difficult on me.

My heart drops as she reaches for the phone behind the desk. "Sure." I fake a confident smile.

As I made my way here, I was just hoping that maybe Juan hadn't kicked me off his list of guests allowed up to his penthouse without first being cleared by security. By the looks of it, I am still on the list. I would've instantly been kicked off the premises if that weren't the case.

"Okay." she snaps me out of my thoughts, sliding my ID back to me. "You can head up."

I nod, walking past her, stuffing my ID into my purse quickly. I head onto the elevator and try to get my breathing under control as I'm shot up to Juan's floor.

Oh my God. Is this a really, really stupid mistake I'm making right now? Why am I doing this again? You love him. You love him, and you're not letting him go without a fight. I have to remind myself.

The elevator dings and the door open right into the long hallway which holds about four penthouses, Juan's being one of them. I step out of the elevator, my heart beating like crazy. I turn my head to the left to find Juan standing at the end of the hall, his mouth slightly ajar, his arms dangling at his sides.

"Ximena?" he says as if he can't believe he's actually seeing me. He's in dark blue pajama pants, shirtless and barefoot. I walk down the hall, my heart racing a thousand miles per hour as my brain tries to rack up any type of opener. I stand in front of him, unable to think of one. "Hi." he says after a moment of us just staring at each other.

My hand twitches with the urge to lift up and smack him across the face. Suddenly, I'm not nervous or scared to be standing right in front of him. I'm angry. Livid, even. Livid that I came all the way to his apartment to get hit with a simple 'Hi'. Not a hug, not a kiss, just Juan standing at the end of the hall like an idiot.

I scoff, deciding in a split second that I regret coming here. I turn on my heel, making my way back to the elevator, I make it about a foot or two before I feel Juan's hand wrap around my wrist, stopping me. "Ximena, what's wrong?" Juan asks, shaking his head once I've turned to face him again.

"Hi?" I ask. "That's all you have to say? Fucking 'Hi'? Yeah." I laugh dryly. "Hi."

I yank my wrist out of his grasp only for him to grab it right back before I can try to walk away again. "Are you okay? You came here. What are you doing here? What's up, Ximena?" he looks down at me, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Why didn't you fight for us?" the question flies out of my mouth before I can stop it. I know I came here with the intention of having this conversation with him, but now that I'm actually here, I kind of regret it.

He drops my wrist, and looks down at me, the realization as to what I'm doing here hitting him. "Let's go inside." he says gently. I nod, following him into his apartment in silence. He shuts the door behind me, taking my hand and leading us towards the living room. "Let's sit."

"No." I shake my head, taking my hand out of his grasp. "Just answer the question, Juan."

"Okay..." he nods, taking a seat in front of me. I stare down at him, my arms crossed over my chest. "I-I'm sorry, what-" he shakes his head, running his hands over his face. "What are you trying to get out of this conversation?"

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