Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Jaine did not sleep easy that night. Her dreams were plagued with the terrors of the past from the Amulet. She could feel a cold metal sliding across her throat, encircling her neck. Still she slept on. The shadowy figure from the amulet came to see her once again.

It is time, Jaine. You will not like me for what I am about to do, but for my plans to go further, it must be done. For this time, I will be taking over your body. Rest, and May you have no memories of what is about to occur.

The figure vanished, and in her dreams, she became fatigued, turning in on herself.

The soul in the amulet flared to life, wrapping around Jaine's body, forcing his way into her limbs, and bringing his conscious to bear throughout the room and the home. This body is definitely ready. But this is going to require silence until it has been completed. With a few whispered words, he leapt into the air, setting bare feet on cold wood. Silent as the night is dark, he crept down the stairs with nary a sound, grabbing a knife, and he lurked back upstairs for the first part of the ritual to come.

He opened the door to Jaine's parent's room, sneaking in stealthily. Breathing out, he steadied himself, gathering a bit of his power from the last couple of months, he breathed out two silent words, and the mother was fully under his spell. He walked over to the father's side, and shook his shoulder gently to wake him.

"What is it Jaine?" He asked.

In the small voice of the girl he inhabited he spoke his reply. "I'm thirsty. Can you we go get some water?"

"Sure darling. Let's get you some water and get you back to bed."

He knew this would be crucial, getting the husband away from the mother, even though she was under his spell, a scream, a tight fast pulling of a hand or other limb, or the death throws to follow could break that spell and all would be lost. Knife in one hand, he took Jaine's father's hand in his other, and together, they went down stairs and into the kitchen, where nothing would be heard from upstairs.

They entered the dark kitchen, and Jaine kicked the knees of her father, causing him to fall forward. As he fell, she brought the knife up, and under his rib cage, using his own momentum to drive the blade all the way to his heart. He crumpled to the floor, gasping in pain as blood gurgled out from his mouth. He looked into the eyes of his daughter, and knew for fact that she was gone from them, and in her place was a monster.

The thing inside of Jaine sucked the life force that remained from Jaine's father. Once it could hold no more did he go back upstairs to her mother. He deepened the spell he had put on her, making her comatose for lack of energy to do it right. Using what he could, he caused her to levitate, and together, he and Jaine's mother left the house, heading for the place where this journey had begun, where his journey long ago, had ended.

The night seemed to crackle around the edges; they were shrouded in darkness as the nameless entity pulled the night around them, trying to make themselves invisible to passerby. Nobody could see them, or extra energy would be wasted in trying to silence those that would otherwise betray their whereabouts. He led them up to the tree where months ago, Jaine had fallen, chasing a harmless piece of jewelry. It was here that he removed the brush from the path leading to the tree, and from the tree, downwards.

They floated down the long column of emptiness, and finally reached the bottom. Jaine's body was beginning to stumble. He was expending energy at a rate her body was not used to. He would have to slow down, keep the mother under the spell until the next night, and keep Jaine trapped in her own mind until all was accomplished and he was back in the time it all began.

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