Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

It was several days until Jerhyn returned with the others. They were bleeding from few scrapes, and limping a bit. They would be out of work for at least a week, but sending them to help the other village was not something he could ignore. Not when he was trying to protect as many people as he possibly could.

Dominic visited the team in the healer's hut as soon as he received word that they were back. "What happened? You guys look like you barely escaped with your lives."

Jerhyn looked Dominic closely in the eye. "That's just it. We barely escaped. We reached the village, and it was still in good standing, there was no chaos, but there were obvious signs of struggle and fighting. There is too much to tell you at this point. Let us rest, we will see you tomorrow."

Dominic did not like the feeling he was getting... it was just like that one time... but that memory was for a later type of reflection. "I want all of you in my office tomorrow. No exceptions. Get patched up and spend the rest of the day with your families, you will join me for lunch with Chief Gregor tomorrow. Rest now, you four."

Dominic turned, and walked away, not waiting for their response, but he could feel their salute to him as he walked out. There were a couple of reasons other than just needing to make sure people were protected that he had sent them, and they would be revealed at tomorrow's meeting.

Maya walked past Dominic on her way into the healer's hut, Angel's hand in hers. It was time she had started learning some of the more traditional forms of medicine for when she was older. She had received word before Dominic, that the group was back, and she was needed. "Come on now, Angel. People are hurting and need our help."

"Yes, mother." Angel walked with her mother like she had a purpose. For a five year old, she was highly determined to learn as much as she could.

Dominic kissed his wife on the cheek in passing, whispering in her ear. "Patch them up neatly, I'll have some more herbs sent later tonight." And walked away. He did not stop to talk to anyone else on his journey home. He went straight to the garden, and started looking for the herbs he needed.

Back in the healers' hut, Maya set to work on the group that had come in, Angel watching her mother silently. Something like this, where it was a group of individuals instead of just one or two, and Maya couldn't give Angel the proper amount of training she deserved. She knew her daughter, however, and knew she would be keeping a keen eye on the proceedings.

Angel watched with intense focus as her mother set about healing the injured villagers. This was only the third time she was able to watch the proceedings, but she learned during every time she was in there. She watched her mother's hands glow blue over the more minor wounds, closing them with little effort. For the bigger cuts they had, especially Jerhyn, she had to make a poultice of medicinal herbs to first pack the wounds, and then dress them.

This was all very normal. It was a wound she had seen before. That of claws, and of steel. There was groaning, and noises of aggravation as the wounds were dealt with. She watched patiently, tail slowly swishing back and forth behind her as her mother worked. One hour later, two of them were ready to leave and be tended the rest of the way by their wives. Her mother had made it her personal mission to get all of the women in the village to at the very least get the basics of healing. Wrapping wounds, what herbs they could use, and which ones they couldn't.

Angel transferred herself from the chair, onto the table, kneeling closer to the ones still left to be tended to. It was very fascinating, and then her mother did something she hadn't seen before. She put a box on the table and opened it. She pulled out a needle and thread as if she was going to sew. That's when she noticed the still bleeding gash on Jeryn's side where he normally wore leather armor to protect himself.

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