Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Dominic woke in the morning to the sun in his eyes, and a tiny figure leaping onto his chest. "Morning Papa! Come, mom has breakfast ready, and I want to start in the training class today."

Dominic laughed, being pulled out of bed by his little Angel. "But the training class will have to wait, little one. There are still things your father must do and discuss before the freedom of activity is allotted to him." He pulled his little girl into his arms, and walked from the room, getting into the kitchen in time to see his lovely wife finishing up cooking breakfast. "Is it really Sunday? Wow, time is flying by lately."

Maya giggled slightly. "No, it is not Sunday, love. You deserved a good breakfast after everything you have been through recently. Enjoy it today." Enjoy it he would. Home- made biscuits, eggs, sausage, and gravy made from the sausage grease.

Dominic set Angel down, and sat to eat breakfast with his family. They ate in silence, and when Angel was finished, she was cleared to go play outside before her medical studies started for the day. This lapse in her absence allowed Dominic to relive the incident of his change with his wife so she knew what he had gone through.

Maya blanched several times in the process of the telling of the tale, but for the most part, she was taking all of the information that Dominic was providing to her with a good measure of someone listening to a tale that they would rather not have to hear about anymore.

"An all-consuming rage that makes you act like an animal. That is what is in your blood line?"

"Yes. It is only told to the children in our clan when they turn twelve, so that they know of what might happen to them someday."

"To know that this will happen to our little Angel someday is a heavy burden to bear. Bear it we must however, there is no way around it. There is one other thing that we need to know about our child's lineage, and that is my bloodline. The reason the women are trained in healing. Deep in the soul of each of my line's female descendants is a wellspring of healing knowledge and power. In great times of need, we can tap into it, and in great times of despair, sometimes it unleashes itself." Maya took a drink of tea she had poured for herself.

"Well then, there does not seem to be anything too much that I should worry about. Our child's darkness will be balanced with her light. While she will be able to destroy, so shall she be able to create."

Dominic stood from the table and gathered the dishes, taking them to the sink and rinsing them off, no need to leave them dirty for Maya to have to clean.

"Balanced, yes, but which one will actually turn out to be the stronger side?"

It was a question that even he had been thinking, but didn't want to shake her faith in his assumption of equality in his daughter's role in life. "That, we will have to wait to find out. For now, we need to talk to your father, let him know what we know now, and discuss the children. If we are going to adopt, we need to know if we are going to need to build more rooms."

This put a smile on Maya's face. "I would love to, but I think this is something you need to discuss with him on your own. I have to go to the healers hut and instruct our daughter in her training with medicine."

"As you wish, I will come by later to let you know what is going on. If we are able to adopt the children, their ages are ripe to begin the training. They will not have it easy, nor would I want them to. I want them to be able to defend themselves in any situation. I am going to be adding another course to the regime. Two days a week, they will be going through a medical class, basics in patching, sewing and tending wounds, and one day a week they will be instructed by Avery in identifying herbs that can be used."

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