Chapter one; incomplete homework

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Amelia p.o.v
"Wake up and get ready for school" .I huff in annoyance as dad wakes me up.

I just hate going to school but I don't want to face any punishments at school for being late since am already skating on a thin ice with my English teacher.

I try rolling out of my bed but quickly lay down on my stomach. My bum is sore from the spanking I got in school yesterday .Damn Mr .Davis and his paddle I won't be enjoying sitting down for quite some days.

Let fill you in with what happened yesterday.

It was a normal day at school and I was already bored to hell since our first class was English.

It's not that I hate English or so it's just that our English teacher Mr.Davis always picks on me most of the time in my opinion .

I've been late to his class several times and not completed my homework on time but all he does is give me warnings.

I've heard some rumors from some of my classmates that he is allowed to paddle students but it's a just rumors that's all. You wish.

What I didn't know was that today my doom would be sealed .

Mr. Davis entered the class and told us to show him our homework .As usual I had not even started not even a single question .

Mr Davis walked to where I was sitting fuming with anger.

Amelia POV
"I'm sorry for not doing the work on time but I promise I'll give it to you tomorrow" .I pleaded my case giving him the best puppy eyes but today was not my day ." Go wait for me in my office now! "

I was petrified to say the least he had clearly ran out of patience with me .I walked out of the class receiving a pity face from my best friend Julie as some people f my classmates chuckled. My face flushed red due to embarrassement.

I walked slowly to his office trying to kill some time from my impending doom.

After a couple of minutes Mr .Davis got in .One could clearly see smoke coming out of his ears .

"What did I tell you would happen if you did not bring your homework on time " I was so scared especially after recalling his threat.God I hope he doesn't do that.

"What did I say Would happen . Answer me ".He clearly was running out of patience."You will spank me using the paddle".I replied .My heart was pounding audibly as my feet trembled."

Stand up and bend over the desk you'll be receiving 12 swats since it's your first time here . Don't reach back or move out of position since that stroke won't count." He said as he reached to get his paddle in the drawer.

I thought he was only bluffing but here I am about to get paddled for the first time.Hopefully it won't hurt that much.I stood up and bent over the desk afraid he would add more strokes of I did not comply.
He swung the paddle a couple of times ."You'll count the strokes followed by yes sir."

"Do I have to count ." I whined .He struck my bottom hard enough with his hand causing me to yelp."Do as I say and count those strokes failure to do so . you'll not like the consequences . let's start .

He lifted the paddle and struck my a** really hard.I quickly got up from the desk trying to rub some sting off my throbbing butt ." That doesn't count since you move out of position."

Tears were already rolling down my cheeks and we hadn't even started yet.

He raised the paddle again and struck my left sit spot ." One sir." I replied swat " two sir " swat "three sir swat " four sir . My butt was throbbing so bad and all I wanted was to rub all the sting off.I truly will have a difficult time sitting down tommorow.swat "ten sir " swat "eleven sir" swat" twelve sir "

I quickly stood up and started rubbing my bum non stop .I was crying really hard.

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