Part 15 - The Return Journey

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Joe joined Dave at the rear of the convoy, the departure being chaotic, it was a full thirty minutes after the first wagon departed before they had to actually move. A large number of people turned out, lining the Main Street to see such a large convoy off. Joe had previously mentioned to Sharon that he had not seen many children, however there now seemed to be as many children as adults in the crowd and when the wagons actually began to move, bands of kids ran alongside shouting and waving. By the time the convoy had shaken out over the first mile, the first rays of sunshine were cresting the hills to the East and the escort had spread out to their travel positions. The kids had also lost interest and were making their way back to whatever they did during the day. Impatient to get back to Trader Town, Joe resented the slow progress of the heavy wagons, but resigned himself to a long, slow, boring ride ahead.

The trip so far didn't fail to meet Joe's dire expectations. He tried to occupy his days by joining the outriders in the screen, taking a turn with the scouts in the van and generally trying to chat with anyone who would give him the time. Towards the end of one particularly boring day, as they drew close to the Tunnel People's territory, he could feel the mood of the escorts change to one of apprehension. Before it became too dark, using the same location they had camped at on the way out, Athina called for the wagons to be circled for the night.

Each waggoneer manoeuvred their individual wagon as close to their designated position in the circle as they could, before unhitching the horses and with the help of the other drivers, manually heaved each heavy wagon back to butt up against the previous one. This was accomplished with the efficiency of a well practiced drill. When complete, the wagons formed a solid barrier, protecting the horses corralled in the centre of the circle. The centre of the circle was rather crowded but the horses behaved themselves and though he had seen it all before, Joe was still impressed with the practicality of the formation and speed with which it all happened. As Athina had declared no fires or lights, it was cold jerky and bread all round and as the light faded, the majority of the convoy laid their weapons ready, and retired for the night under their wagons.

Barry set the watch for the night with half the guard on duty at all times. As before, he sited three of the escort in an early warning post about twenty yards from the wagons, along the closest approach from the direction of the Tunnel People. Joe having volunteered to do the graveyard shift, saw to his horse and laid his bedding under one of the wagons. He positioned his weapons ready to hand and settled down fully dressed to get what rest he could.

Jerked awake by a blood curdling scream rending the stillness of the night, followed by urgent cries of "Wake up! Wake up! we are under attack", Joe rolled from his bedding, now fully alert. Reaching for his weapons, he unsheathed his sword, and raced toward the early warning post, the source of the scream.

Arriving at the sentry post, the darkness resolved into an image of pale semi naked warriors wielding short spears, surrounding the three sentries. The sentries were hard pressed, standing back to back furiously fending off the attacker's spear thrusts by desperate parries with their swords. With disregard for his own safety, Joe let out a roar and waded into the fray, cutting down the attackers with savage limb rending strokes from his heavy sword. Not expecting to be assaulted from behind, the attackers broke off their attack and backed away leaving three of their number dead or dying at Joe's hand. Exploiting the lull, Joe and the three sentries sprinted for the safety of the wagons, heading off Garry and a couple of the Shorts racing to assist.

By the time they gained the protection of the wagons, the whole convoy was awake armed and terrified. Joe, in an attempt to allay that fear, told them that their assailants were not ghosts nor were they invincible, he had just killed three of them and they bled and died like anyone else. Barry and Sharon joined him in front of one of the wagons.

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