"No, not at all! But I really don't need anything!"

"Just take it."

"I'd feel bad..."

"Please?" Though Suna's face and tone of voice was expressionless, his head tilted ever so slightly with the words.

"I- okay," (Y/N) resigns, but makes no move to grab the bag, "Also, sorry, I didn't check any of my notifications today.."

The boy huffs, "Yeah, I could tell. Atsumu was whining about it nonstop."

"I was NOT."

(Y/N) giggles while the blond yells in protest, "Awww~ And if you ever need me for something, call instead of message! I never really turn off Do Not Disturb."

"I don't have your number."

"Oh, uh, do you want it?"

"..." Wait, did that come out weird?

Do I want it? Suna takes a glance at the girl's face, the only thing visible from behind the door. Despite the cheerful demeanor, her eyelids were half-closed, cheeks and nose frozen pink, and hair disheveled. The appearance of a sick person, yet on (Y/N), one would say it was quite adorable.

"I'll give it to him!" Atsumu—thankfully—breaks the awkward silence, and Suna averts his gaze.

"Haha, okay!" (Y/N) smiles, then suddenly grimaces, stumbling backwards. The door opens wider without her hold, allowing Suna to reach out and grab her arm.

"Oi, you good?"

"Yeah, sorry about that." (Y/N) regains composure and smiles sheepishly at her visitors. Realizing he was now inside her house, Suna quickly places the bag on the floor and steps out. While doing so, he catches a glimpse of her 'outfit': an all-too-big hoodie and very long, wide-legged sweats.

"Those clothes look waaay too big on you," he snickers while placing a hand on her head to emphasize their height difference, "Maybe I should've stuck to calling you 'Chibi'~"

"Hmph, well they're my boyfriend's," she pouts, exaggeratedly sticking her nose in the air.

Both Atsumu and Suna's eyes widen. The latter immediately retracts his hand from her head.

"(Y/N)-chan, y-ya have a boyfriend!?"

"No, of course not! I was only kidding~" she laughs, "It's a running joke I have with some friends... By the way, shouldn't you guys get going soon? I'd invite you in, but I don't wanna get you sick."

"Uh, yeah, we should," Suna backs up, "Feel better Smiley."

"See ya (Y/N)-chan!"

(Y/N) grins and waves, "Yeah, thanks. See you guys!" She watches the two shrink into the distance before closing the door and taking ahold of the bag Suna left her.

"Man, I really thought she had a boyfriend for a second!" Atsumu exclaims.


Atsumu squints at his friend, lips morphing into a teasing smirk. "Hey Suna, are ya still gonna deny that (Y/N)-chan's cute? I know ya were starin' at her earlier."

The receiver knew better than to respond. A simple 'Never said she wasn't,' would've worked on anyone but Atsumu, king of being on everyone's business.

"Would ya be jealous if she actually had one though?" said boy continues to probe, "A boyfriend, I mean."

"No. And just why are you asking me this?"

Atsumu shrugs, "Just cause. I mean, ya seem pretty close to each other, but we've only known her for a bit 'nd all..


"Anyways, ya want her number?" the Miya pulls out his phone and begins tapping away until he finds what he wants, "Here."

Suna stares idly at the screen before taking his own device out. It wouldn't hurt, right? He inputs the digits into his contacts and sends a single text—mostly to check if Atsumu was playing some elaborate prank or not.

you changed (xxx-xxx-xxxx)'s contact name to Smiley

Hey this is Suna

The boy pockets his phone and doesn't
check for a response until he is well in his
room some time later.

hahah hi it's (Y/N) 👊

Oh good I thought Atsumu was pranking me

abt what? my number??😭😭



oh btw

please please please thank ur mom for me

the soup was so good and the medicine rly


I got the strawberry milk for you 😎

WOAH HE USES EMOJIS major respect

and yeah that makes so much
more sense i was wonderinggg


Wow even in text u smile so much


But the emojis r a one time thing

oh💔 then how abt the punctuation ones


like these :) ?

Ehh idk





just once sunarin:)

Okay fine:)


Oddly enough, Suna actually finds himself smiling
at (Y/N)'s childish antics. Weird.

you changed Smiley's contact name to Smiley:)

HAHA not me having writer's block

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