03 the dynamic duo

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(Y/N)'s 3rd day at Inarizaki; lunchtime

"Oi 'Samu! (Y/N)-chan isn't with you?" Atsumu asks as his twin brother and Suna as they sit down at their table.

"She left class pretty early after the bell, thought she might be with you guys."

"She was only sitting here yesterday to help me study, why would she come again?" Kita monotones.

"Ehh? But ya guys seemed so close!" Atsumu pouts at his captain, "Y'know, she's pretty cute. And her laugh is really pretty..."

"'Tsumu, ya met her yesterday."

"I know, 'Samu!" Before the twins could bicker any further, a familiar laugh chimes nearby. The boys turn their heads to see none other than (L/N) (Y/N).

"You boys are so funny," she says.

"(Y/N)-chan! Are ya here to sit with us?" Atsumu exclaims.

"Oh, no, no, I wouldn't wanna intrude!" As if on cue, two other girls approach her, one with short, black hair and fringe, the other with a ponytail dyed the colors of autumn leaves.

"(N/N)-chan!" ponytail-girl yells, before freezing upon sight of Atsumu, "Eh, ehh-"

"Ah, Ahmya-chan! Riko-chan! Yaho~" (Y/N) smiles, "Sorry Atsumu, gotta go! Have a nice lunch!" With that, she swiftly grabs the arms of the girls and pull them away.

"When did she even have time to make these friends?" Atsumu thinks out loud, "(Y/N)-chan is so cool!"

"Yeah, she's like a people magnet!" Ginjima says in return, causing his seniors Kita to give them a disappointed stare and Aran to snicker.

"Well, she sure knows how to get others attached."

"What was that about?" (Y/N) smirks knowingly at her recently-made friend, "Does Ahmya-chan have a crush?~"

"Ya can't blame me! Miya-san is super hot! How'd ya do it? Ya gotta tell me how ya know 'em (Y/N)-chan! Oh my gosh, are ya datin' one of 'em? But I mean, I wouldn't expect any less, you're so pretty and nice and everything!"

"Woah, woah, calm down!"


"Her dialect gets really strong when she's excited. Sorry if you can't understand."

"It's okay Riko-chan!"


(Y/N) had met these two the day before, at the end of school. Right after dismissal, she had rushed out of the classroom in hopes of taking a nap as soon as possible. She was still fighting sloth when a girl caught her attention. A fiery, faux-redhead had spilled her drink in the hallway, which she graciously helped clean up. They sparked conversation immediately, and (Y/N) was invited to go to a cafe with the girl and her friend as a gesture of gratefulness. Ignoring her urge to sleep as soon as possible, she accepted.

It was clear upon first sight that Omumi Ahmya and Imura Riko were complete opposites. Omumi had long, bright, dyed red hair pulled into a ponytail, whilst Imura's was kept short and natural. Moreover, the latter was calm, composed, and used Tokyo dialect to send quiet, snarky remarks to her hyper and loud companion, whom spoke in a Kansai dialect that could be hard to decipher at times. They were truly the ideal best friends, (Y/N) had thought. Needless to say, the three had a pleasant time and (Y/N) was invited to eat lunch with them the next day.


"You know, the volleyball team is pretty popular," Imura murmurs.

"Oh, they are? Well, it makes sense, they're really nice," (Y/N) shrugs while taking sips of her strawberry milk.

"You are too."


"Haven't you noticed the boys and girls staring at you?"

"Oh, um, no?"

"(N/N)'s really popular!" Omumi remarks, to which (Y/N) immediately denies.

"Yes, and she also needs to eat. Aren't you going to eat anything (Y/N)-chan?" Imura points her chin at the empty space in front of (Y/N). She hadn't eaten any food, with the exception being a carton of strawberry milk she seemed quite fond of.


"No, ya have to eat (N/N)-chan! Say 'ah!'" Omumi agrees while shoving some of her sausage into her friend's mouth. (Y/N)'s eyes widen before she starts to chew, then swallow. Her face breaks into an appreciative smile.

"Thank you!"

"Why didn't you bring lunch?"

"Guess I was just too lazy to make a bento in the morning, it's not like I need lunch."

"Yes, you do."

"Aw, you're too caring Riko-chan! But don't worry about me!"

The trio talk some more until the bell rings, announcing the end of lunch. (Y/N) walks with the girls to their class, before heading back to her own.

Imura watches (Y/N)'s retreating form get smaller and smaller. Surprisingly, she had already warmed up to the girl, and though she didn't express it through infinite words of admiration like her best friend would, she found herself the teensiest bit fond of her. Strange.

She barely knew (L/N) (Y/N) after all.

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