12 good friends

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"So Suna, why were ya and (Y/N)-chan 'playin' around' in class earlier, hmm?" Osamu asks nonchalantly, though his eyes held nothing but seriousness. Many of the volleyball club members turn to face the two in curiosity.

"Smiley and I were just talking."

"'Playin' around?' The hell's that supposed to mean?" Atsumu asks, eyes round.

"S'what the teacher called it. Suna was all leaning his head on his arm and starin' at her, I tell ya."

"Ha!" Atsumu exclaims, "Ya think she's cute too, right?"

Suna grunts.


"Atsumu, calm down." Kita reprimands.

"H-hai, Kita-san!" the boy tones down his voice and pouts, "I wish she ate with us again today.."

His brother simply sighs. "Ya got all these girls pinin' for ya yet ya reject 'em all, and when one girl isn't some fan, ya cling onto her like a bug. It's pathetic." The grey-head clicks his tongue and stuffs food into his mouth, apparently disregarding his mini-monologue.

Suna snickers, "He's not wrong."

"Haaah!? Well don't be jealous (Y/N)-chan and I are such good friends!"

"You've known her for a week." his twin deadpans.

"For yer information," Atsumu sasses, "it was really easy for (Y/N)-chan and I to get close in one week!"

"She does seem like that type of person," Aran comments, while Ginjima nods excitably in agreement. In fact, the whole team knew it was true.

"Exactly," Osamu continues, "it's because she's friendly. She doesn't actually like ya 'Tsumu, ya dumbass."

"Well I'm gonna go ask her!"

"Ask her what?"

The blond rolls his eyes, "Well, duh. Ask her if- if—" He pauses to think for a moment, scratching his head until he gets an idea, "Oh! If we're really good friends! Yeah, I'm going to ask (Y/N)-chan if we're really good friends. And she's gonna say yes."

"That's a stupid question."

"Says you!" Atsumu storms off.

"Does he even know where she is?" Suna asks, eyeing his friend in amusement.


"So...what'd she say?"

"Couldn't find her." a disappointed Atsumu grumbles, taking a seat, "But I'm gonna ask later! 'Samu, Suna, make sure to tell (Y/N)-chan to wait for me after school, 'kay? She's always gone already whenever I come by."

"Maybe she's trynna avoid ya," Osamu suggests, obviously enjoying his brother's frustration.

"Shut yer trap!"

Soon enough, lunch is over, and the boys volleyball team splits up to go to their respective classrooms.

"Remember to tell (Y/N)-chan to stay after class!" Atsumu reminds his twin and Suna as they separate.

Osamu rolls his eyes, "Yeah, sure." He walks away with the other following suit.

Suna sits down, taking note of the unoccupied seat next to him. Guess she isn't here yet. Just then, a group of girls walk inside the classroom. The boy squints his eyes, vaguely remembering (Y/N) heading out with them during the beginning of lunch. It was obvious she wasn't accompanying them now, and the girls seemed to be immersed in some deep discussion. Suna wasn't too bothered, but when their teacher entered the room and started class, he couldn't help but wonder where his seat-mate was. She didn't look too well this morning... He scans the room for what feels like the umpteenth time, making eye contact with a boy who quickly looks away. Suna recognizes him, realizing he was probably also wondering about (Y/N)'s whereabouts.

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