09 walking home

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"You're—? Wait, 'Chibi'?? I-"

"Oh! You guys know each other?" (Y/N) is cut off by Kiriko's voice.

"..Yeah, she's in my class. What's she doing here?" her son replies after recovering from momentary shock.

Kiriko promptly ignores the question. "That's great! Rintarou, go walk (Y/N)-chan home, it's getting dark."

(Y/N) laughs. "Wow, I did not know you guys were the Suna family! But it's really okay, I can go home by myself."

"I won't take that for an answer! Rintarou, hurry up!"


Since Suna—the boy—hadn't taken off his shoes, or even fully entered the house yet, he simply dropped his bags and stepped out the door, gesturing for (Y/N) to come.

(Y/N) bids Kiriko and Reina farewell before following him out the house.

"So...What were you doing in my house?" Suna side-eyes the girl whilst walking.

"Your sister hurt herself and I happened to find her, walk her home, and then your mom invited me in for tea as a thank you." she shrugs, "By the way, your family's really cool."

"They are?"

"Yep, what can I say? They might even be cooler than you," she grins teasingly.

Suna scoffs, "Yeah, sure."

"Hey! This is your family we're talking about. And make sure to take care of Reina-chan when you get home, I think she fell pretty bad.."

"Alright, Chibi~"

(Y/N) pouts, "For the last time, I'm not short! You're just— tall."

Suna places his hand on top of (Y/N)'s head and pushes down, "Correct."

"What- Then, why would you— ugh, never mind."

Suna chuckles at the girl's bothered expression, ruffling her hair once before putting his hand back in his jacket pocket. It's soft...

(Y/N) quickly fixes her fussed up hair, before looking up at the boy, "So you just came back from volleyball practice?"


"I see, what position do you play?"

"Middle blocker. You know about volleyball?"

(Y/N) laughs, "No, not really. Just the basics, I guess? Picked it up by watching shows."

She laughs a lot, Suna notices, ...and smiles a lot too.

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