Quickly I ran over to the metal door and slowly opened to see what was inside. Once I was able to open the door enough to look inside I didn't see any children. I instead saw a lab of some sort full of notes and what looked like weapons and other items. There was one person inside of the room as well. He was wearing a white lab coat but I wasn't able to see his face. It could of been Thatcher but I would need to be sure.

Slowly and quietly I open the door and enter the room without the person noticing me. I pull out my revolver and cock the hammer back "Simon Thatcher, there is a bounty on your head and I aim to collect on it" I said. The man in the lab coat turns around and I see that he isn't Simon Thatcher. "Wh...who are you?" The man asks me nervously "who the hell are you?" I asked irritated aiming my revolver at his head. "My name is doctor Samson, James Samson and that madman Thatcher kidnapped me and forced me to help him with his twisted experiments" the guy answered in a panic.

I put my relover down but I was going to be ready for anything this Samson guy might do. "Do you know where the children are?" I asked "I know where they are being held, if your here to rescue them you need to do it now" Samson answered. "What can you tell me about Thatcher's experiments?" I asked Samson. "From what I have seen, Thatcher plans on mixing imperial arms together creating a hybrid imperial arms" Samson answered. "Why does he need kids then?" I asked "he will attach the hybrid imperial arms to their bodies making it apart of them, once that happens he can reprogram the children to become perfect soldiers" Samson answered.

This was worse then I had previously thought, I had thought that it was just a random kidnapping but no, there was more to this. "If we don't save those children they'll either die or become weapons" Samson said. "Okay, we need to find the kids, once they are safe I can go after Thatcher and the remaining mercenaries" I replied. "Wait, before we go you should take these" Samson said. Samson walked over to a counter and opened a large wooden crate. I walked over and saw that the crate was full of explosives and other interesting items.

"Thatcher had me develop special weapons and gear for the mercenaries as a part of their payment" Samson said. "So what do we have here?" I asked "we have an assortment of explosives in a throwable form, there's smoke bombs, spiked bombs, those that stick, incendiary ones, blinding flashing ones and a few more" Samson answered. "Whats in the glass ones?" I asked "the ones with the green liquid are filled with a very strong venom from a snake danger beast and the others are filled with a special sand that slows down enemies and can even blind them" Samson answered.

"I think I'm going to be wanting those" I said "here take them, take all of them and when we get out of here I can get you the stuff to make more" Samson replied. "Good good, we can do that" I said taking the explosives and attaching them to my belts. "Wait you should also have this" Samson said "what is it?" I asked. Samson grabbed my left arm and attached these metal plates and to my glove.

"What are these going to do?" I asked "besides making your punch hurt even more, make a fist and do a grasping motion" Samson answered

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"What are these going to do?" I asked "besides making your punch hurt even more, make a fist and do a grasping motion" Samson answered. I did what Samson said and suddenly spikes popped out on my knuckles. "Okay these are kind of cool" I said "those should do you some good, now we need to save the children" Samson replied. "Let's do that, show me the way and we can get out of here" I said making the spikes go back to normal.

The Lone Gunman जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें