"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" He yelled. It startled you that you tried to hide the stuff but he grabbed the pill bottles and the needles.

"What are you doing-NO STOP!" You yelled and tried to grab his arm as he poured the pills in the toilet. You dug your nails into his arm, causing him get a grip on your wrist. You started to cry and hit Hoseok with your other hand. You didn't know how but somehow grabbed your other wrist. You weren't crying because of the drugs being wasted, you were mainly crying because of Hoseok caught you.

"Why are you doing this? I hope you realize that you're killing yourself right."

"...." He grabbed your arm and took you back to the bedroom but he took you to the balcony.

"Since you wanna kill yourself, then do it Y/N, jump." Hoseok said as he led you to the rail.

"No." You moved back from the railing.



"Why Y/N? Why? What's the exact reason that you're doing this? I don't wanna lose you. Promise me you will stop. Go to rehab if you have to." Hoseok was tearing up and that made you more sad. It felt like you let him down.

(The next day)

You were willing go to rehab but you wanted to have the high feeling one last time before you go. You looked through your drawer and found a bottle heroin pills. It was only 7 in there and you were sure to feel 10x better if you downed them. You poured the  pills in your hand and looked at them one more time. You put them in your mouth and swallowed them. You got up to put your sweater on and laid on the bed and closed your eyes.

You were starting to feel cold and shifting in and out of conscience. It felt like you had to throw up but couldn't. You started coughing harshly. You couldn't breathe probably. You started to shake and foam at the mouth. It felt like you couldn't breathe at all due to the foam in your throat. Few seconds your vision went black.

25 minutes later, Hoseok was knocking on your front door. He waited ten seconds and went through the back door. For some reason you never locked the back door, and Hoseok hated that. He started calling your name but it was dead silent. He went to your room.

"Y/N you ready to go to re—OH MY GOD Y/N!!!" He ran to you and seen your state. He took out his phone and called the ambulance. They told him to put you on the floor and lay you on your side. Hoseok felt your pulse and felt nothing there completely. He was panic and started to do CPR. A few minutes later the ambulance came and put you in the truck.

(3 years later)

"Would anyone like to share next?" The lady said. You raised your hand and stood in front of everyone.

"I'm Y/N."

"Hi Y/N" the other people said.

"I was a drug addict basically at 18 years old. It started off with weed, then ecstasy, then it got worse. I started doing LSD, Crystal Meth, Heroin, and Cocaine at a point of time. I met a guy 3 years ago and he didn't know I did drugs but I really wanted to stop for him but I couldn't. One day, he came over to my house and that was the day he found me doing drugs. The next day, I was getting ready to go to rehab but I wanted to get high one last time before I came here. I had 7 heroin pills and ate them all at once. I had overdosed. I can't recall the time but my boyfriend found me unconscious on my bed."

You were hooked up to machines while Hoseok was sitting in the chair next to you. He was sitting with you til he heard the heart monitor go flat line. He called for a nurse. The doctors pushed him out the room and started to perform on you.

"I practically died for an hour or two til my heart monitor started beeping again. I was in a coma for 3 months. When I woke up, I realized that this was an actual wake up call that I really need to stop doing drugs. But now, I'm 3 years clean and I don't plan looking at another drug. I'm happy that I don't take drugs no more and I want it to stay like that. I'm also glad I met Hoseok. If I didn't met him I would probably been dead already. I like the help of getting better. Now that Hoseok is my fiancé, we're getting married next week and I can't wait." You smiled at your long progress of stop doing drugs. Everyone clapped at your success.

You walked out the building and seen Hoseok leaning on his car. You skipped your way to him while eating your cookie.

"How do you feel Mrs. Jung?"

"I feel better now. I can't wait to marry you next week."


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